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Hallowell, J., Spr., 1917

Photo: Brian Chandler

In Bedlington (Netherton Lane) Cemetery is the Commonwealth War Grave of 35899 Sapper Joseph Hallowell, serving with the Royal Engineers, who died 27/07/1917.

Carole Fife has provided the following:

Joseph's military record shows that he was born and enlisted in Newcastle. He was born in 1885, the sixth of seven sons of Robert and Margaret Hallowell. His father was an engine fitter and the eldest four sons all went to work in engineering, but Joseph became a bricklayer and in 1901 he was lodging in Waterloo Road, Blyth.

By 1911 he had changed jobs and was working as a colliery boilerman while lodging at Hirst Terrace, Bedlington. In 1912 he married Eleanor Fraser and moved to Vulcan Place, Bedlington. They had two children, Hilda born in 1914 and Thomas born shortly before his father's death in 1917. The Enlistment Book records Joseph as serving only in England, and the Fortress Companies of the Royal Engineers were used for Coastal Defence, often on searchlight duties.

He is remembered in Bedlington on B15.02, B15.09, B15.19 and B15.26 page 64

The CWGC entry for Sapper Hallowell

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk