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Hinson, T., Pte., 1915
On the Loos Memorial is the name of 17444 Private Thomas Hinson, serving with the Yorkshire Regiment who died 26/09/1915.

Derek Johnstone has provided the following:

Thomas Hinson, born in Bedlington about 1893, was the son of James and Hannah Hinson of Bebside, Northumberland. He was a hewer in the coal mines and enlisted at Bedlington. Both of his parents were dead when Thomas was killed and military records show his effects went to his sister Mrs Margaret J Dixon.

He is remembered in Bedlington on B15.01, B15.09 and B15.26 and in Bebside on B14.02

The CWGC entry for Private Hinson

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk