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Rutter, J., Pte., 1917
In Dozenghem Military Cemetery is the Commonwealth War Grave of 98853 Private John Rutter, serving with the Machine Gun Corps who died 30/10/1917.

Rev. David Younger has provided the following:

A Grocer’s Manager born at Newbottle, Durham, residing at Easington Colliery, he was Initiated into 661 Fawcett Lodge on the 9th August 1911; Passed 11th October 1911 and Raised on the 16th November 1911. He enlisted at West Hartlepool and died of wounds on the 30th October 1917, aged 31. The husband of Josephine Rutter of 21 North Terrace, New Lambton, Fence Houses, Co. Durham . He is buried in Dozinghem Military Cemetery, Poperinge, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium, Grave Reference XI.D.16.

John Rutter is remembered at Burnmoor on B154.01

The CWGC entry for Private Rutter

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk