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Waller, A.A., L/Cpl., 1917

Photo: Dorothy Hall

In Varennes Military Cemetery, Somme, France, is the Commonwealth War Grave of 193 Lance Corporal Arthur Appleton Waller serving with the 18th Battalion Durham Light Infantry who died 03/03/1917.

Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life

Son of John and Sarah Waller, of Haverton Hill, Middlesbrough.

In Haverton Hill (St.John) Churchyard is a family headstone which reads:-

In loving memory of
John Waller
died 25th Nov. 1940 aged 83 years
also Sarah Waller
beloved wife of the above
died 12th Jan. 1957 aged 97 years
Also Arthur Appleton Waller
beloved son of the above
died of wounds in France
3rd March 1917 aged 28 years

Worthy of Everlasting Remembrance

Arthur Appleton Waller is remembered at Billingham on B139.05 and at Port Clarence on P36.01 and P36.06

He is also remembered in The DLI Book of Remembrance page 42

The CWGC entry for Lance Coorporal Waller

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk