Heworth St. Mary
Pauline Priano has submitted the following:-
Joseph Hebron Marshall was born December 5th 1884 at Felling, Gateshead, one of 9 children of whom only 7 survived, 4 sons and 3 daughters, born to John Marshall, native of Chollerton, Northumberland born 1845 and his wife Margaret Pearson born 1842 at Heworth, near Gateshead, County Durham. His parents married September 22nd 1866 at Tanfield, district of County Durham where John worked as a miner. In 1882 they moved to Felling settling at Gideon Terrace, John Snr and John Jnr both worked as coal miners, daughter Margaret Jane as a book binder, Joseph was now 6 years old and a scholar. Joseph’s father died in 1907 aged 62 years when he was only 13 years old, his widowed mother, brother Arthur and he were living at 22 St Albion’s Crescent, Windy Nook, near Felling in 1911 with his married sister Hannah, her husband William Armstrong a cartman and their 2 sons and 2 daughters.
Joseph Hebron Marshall married, in the district of Gateshead, May 18th 1912, Louisa Bambra, born 1889, three years prior to his mother’s death in 1915 aged 73 years. Louisa gave birth to 3 children, Sarah Bambra Marshall September 17th 1913, Louisa September 2nd 1914 and Joseph Marshall October 25th 1919, the latter erroneously transcribed by Ancestry.co.uk as Judith.
Joseph Hebron Marshall’s military record no longer exists, one of the 70% destroyed during the blitz of WW2, it is therefore impossible to know exactly when he enlisted, for which regiment or where he served. His discharge papers state he was a casualty April 21st 1917 whilst “on service” and transferred to the Royal Engineers, posted to No. 2 Water Boring Section as Sapper Engine Driver and allocated the regimental number 245170. Sapper Marshall was given leave to the U.K. November 13th-27th 1917 and again for 14 days from December 2nd-16th 1918. He proceeded to Ripon January 8th 1919 for dispersal and discharged February 6th 1919 under Class Z Reserve “service deemed to be of more use to the country in civil rather than military capacity”, he was liable for recall should hostilities resume.
Sapper 245170 Joseph Hebron Marshall Royal Engineers died at home, October 16th 1919, either due to disease or as a consequence of wounds/injuries received on active service. His widow January 5th 1920 applied for a pension for herself and 2 children as Joseph the youngest was born after his father’s death. It was approved March 22nd 1921 and consisted of 16 shillings 6 pence from February 7th to September 2nd 1919 then 24 shillings from September 3rd 1919 to the end of the week of her husband’s demise. Home address 3, Stephenson Terrace, Felling-on-Tyne, County Durham.
Sapper 245170 Joseph Hebron Marshall is at rest, south east part, St. Mary (Heworth) Churchyard, County Durham.
His widow Louisa Marshall nee Bambra died in 1944 aged 55 years district of N. E. Durham. Details of children unknown.
In God’s safe keeping. Rest In Peace.
Joseph Hebron Marshall is remembered at Heworth on H92.03 and H92.04