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McWilliams, D., Spr., 1918
In St Mary's Churchyard Heworth is the Commonwealth War Grave of 212871 Sapper Daniel McWilliams serving with the Royal Engineers who died 21/11/1918.

Pauline Priano has submitted the following:-

Daniel McWilliams (Dan) was born at Heworth, Gateshead, County Durham in 1892, one of 5 known children, 2 sons and 3 daughters born to Henry McWilliams of Walker, Northumberland 1848 and his wife Mary Finigan born 1855 at Heworth. Married at Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1875 they had moved by 1891 to Reay Street, Heworth where Henry was employed as an engine fitter, after the birth of Daniel they moved to 9, Oakfield Terrace. Henry McWilliams died at Gateshead in 1907, his widow Mary relied on Daniel as her only means of support. At the age of 19 he was working as an apprentice cabinet maker, the family consisting of himself, his sister Sarah Jane 15 years of age and his mother were living at 35 Portland Street, Pelaw-on-Tyne.

Daniel was already a reservist in the Royal Engineers at the outbreak of WW1 and was called to join the regiment November 6th 1916, in his capacity as a cabinet maker and joiner he was posted to the Royal Engineers Depot as a Sapper, however he was transferred back to the reserve on the 18th as Class W, “service deemed to be more valuable to the country in civil rather than military employment”. His liability to be recalled to the Colours was initiated February 29th 1917 at Chatham where he was mobilised to the Royal Engineer Depot at Newark, attached to the 445th Welsh Reserve Field Coy September 16th 1917 departing for the front in France the following day attached to the Durham Light Infantry. Whilst on active service July 15th 1918 he was gassed sustaining first degree burns to the eyes, his lungs were also badly effected. He was evacuated and sent back to England July 28th firstly admitted on the 30th to The Red Cross Hospital Gloucester. His progress was assessed September 5th, doctors reported some slight improvement. He was transferred to the Dunblane War Hospital, Stirling, Scotland, November 21st 1918 suffering from a slight case of bronchitis unfortunately in his final days he developed influenza followed by pneumonia.

Sapper 212871 Daniel McWilliams Royal Engineers succumbed to pneumonia and died December 15th 1918. His body was transported back to his home town, which would have been organised at his mother’s request by the military but paid for by her. Sapper McWilliams was interred at St Mary (Heworth) Churchyard, south west sector his grave marked with a military headstone.

His mother received all monies due to him, a pension and his awards of the British War Medal and Victory Medal sent to her as 41, Portland Street, Pelaw, County Durham. The loss of Daniel only added to her grief having lost son Henry aged 21 in 1897, husband Henry in 1907 and daughter Edith aged 22 in 1908.

In God’s safe keeping. Rest In Peace.

Daniel McWilliams is remembered at Heworth on H92.03

The CWGC entry for Sapper McWilliams

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk