Pauline Priano has submitted the following:-
John Thomas (Tom) Jefferson was born 1891 at Heworth, Gateshead, County Durham, the only surviving son and one of 5 children born to Sarah (Jefferson) native of Dalton, County Durham born 1862 and her deceased husband, details unknown. John Thomas’s father was deceased by 1911, Sarah was living at 4B, Brandling Terrace, Felling, Gateshead. John Tom as he is listed was the only breadwinner, working as a putter at the mine, his two sisters Caroline Mary (15) and Margaret Jane (12) were scholars.
John Thomas Jefferson enlisted at Felling in 1914 initially assigned to the 1/9th Battalion Durham Light Infantry as Private 5486. The main body of men departed to France as part of the 151st Brigade, 50th Northumbrian Division, April 17th 1915. Private Jefferson was not amongst them and transferred to the 1/6th Battalion with the new serial number of 6057, he did not depart to France until 1916. As part of the 151st Brigade, 50th (Northumbrian) Division, the 1st/6th Battalion served until August 1916 in the trenches of the Ypres Salient, Armentieres and Kemmel. The last two places were supposedly ‘quiet’, but the battalion rarely enjoyed days free from casualties.
Private 6057 John Thomas Jefferson died, “at home”, 4th October 1916, since his military record no longer exists, destroyed during the blitz of WW2 it is impossible to know the exact circumstances, however, it was most certainly attributed to his war service as a military headstone marks his resting place. He was interred at NE part Heworth (St. Mary) Churchyard, Gateshead, County Durham.
His mother Sarah received all monies due to him, a pension and his awards of the British War Medal and Victory Medal.
In God’s safe keeping. Rest In Peace.
John Thomas Jefferson is remembered at Heworth on H92.03