District Notes

North Eastern Railway Memorial, York
James Pasby and Tony Harding have supplied the following information.

The North Eastern Railway Memorial for 1914-18 at York contains the names of the following connected with Sedgefield District. The details are in columns headed - Name, Nature of civil employment, Place, Rank & Regiment or ship:

North Eastern Railway
N.E.R. men who have laid down
their lives for King and Country

Akers, A.E.; Oiler; Shildon; Pte., East Yorks.
Alderson, S.;Asst. Signalman; Ferryhill; Pte., East Yorks.
Alderson, T.; Labourer, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Allan, H.M.; Shearer; Shildon; Sergt., Durham L.I.
Bamlett, W.; Clerk, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Bellwood, T.; Machinist, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., West Yorks.
Binks, G.E.; Lengthman; Ferryhill; Pte., Durham L.I.
Bollands, R.W.; Labourer, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Bowes, J.W.; Labourer, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Brown, G.W.; Freight Shunter; Shildon; L.-Corpl., East Yorks.
Brown, J.J.; Hmr. Driver, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Brown, M.; Freight Shunter; Shildon; Pte., Northampton.
Brown, T.W.; Gangman; Ferryhill; L.-Corpl., Durham L.I.
Bundy, H.; Labourer, Loco.; Shildon; Sergt., R.G.A.
Burton, J.E.; Painter, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Butcher, I.; Striker, Loco.; Shildon; Sergt., M.G.C.
Chapman, W.; Boilersmith's Asst.; Shildon; Pte., York and Lancs.
Charlton, T.; Striker, Loco.; Shildon; Rifleman, K.R.R.
Clayford, D.; Porter, Oper.; Bradbury; Pte., East Yorks.
Coates, M.; Greaser; Shildon; Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Collings, W.R.; Blacksmith, Loco.; Shildon; Sergt., Nrthd. Fus.
Collins, A.T.; Asst. Sawyer; Shildon; Sergt., West Riding.
Cooper, A.H.; Greaser; Shildon; Pte., Manchester.
Coulthard, R.H.; Gangman; Ferryhill; Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Coulthard, R.H.; Lad Number Taker; Spennymoor; Pte, West Yorks.
Cree, J.; Clerk, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Royal Fusiliers.
Doran, S.; Pltr. & Rivtr., Loco. Shildon; Pte., K.O.S.B.
Elliott, G.R.; Fitter; Shildon; 2nd Air Mechanic, R.A.F.
Elliott, J.R.; Cleaner; Shildon; Pte., H.L.I.
Emmerson, T.E.; Hammer Drvr. Loco.; Shildon; Pte., King's Liverpool.
Ewbank, W.; Oiler, Oper.; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Fletcher, T.; Painter, Loco.; Shildon; Sergt., Durham L.I.
Forster, W.A.; Clerk, Goods; Byers Green; L.-Corpl., Durham L.I.
Gladwell, F.E.; Greaser; Spennymoor; Driver, Nrthd. Fus.
Gouldsborough, J.; Labourer, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Graham, A.; Shearer; Shildon; Rifleman, K.R.R.
Grundy, B.; Apprentice, Loco.; Shildon; Gunner, Tank Corps.
Hall, F.; Oiler, Oper.; Shildon; Pte., R.A.M.C.
Hall, T.G.; Labourer, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Yorks.
Hancock, W.; Apprentice, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Hardy, A.; Clerk, Passenger; Spennymoor; Pte. North Staffs.
Harwood, H.; Striker, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Hampshire.
Hird, H.N.; Telegraphist; Shildon; Pte., Duke of Wellington's.
Hodgson, T.; Machinist, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., K.O.Y.L.I.
Howe, G.D.; Hmr. Driver, Loco.; Shildon; L.-Corpl., Durham L.I.
Hutchinson, E.; Hmr. Driver, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Ibbetson, T.; Apprentice, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Ireland, A.; Hmr. Driver, Loco.; Shildon; Pioneer, R.E.
Johnson, J.R.; Platelayer; Ferryhill; Pte, East Yorks.
Johnston, W.; Wagon Repairer; Shildon; Pte., Royal West Kent.
King, S.; Cleaner; Ferryhill; Sapper, R.E.
Lawson, W.; Platelayer; Shildon; L.-Corpl., Durham L.I.
Levett, B.; Fireman; Shildon; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifles.
Liddle, G.H.; Wagon Repairer; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Longstaff, R.; Guard, Engr.; Ferryhill; Corpl., Nrthd. Fus
Longthorne, E.; Hammer Drvr., Loco.; Shildon; Pte., York and Lancs.
Marshall, A.H.; Porter, Oper.; Ferryhill; Pte., Durham L.I.
Metcalfe, A.; Hammer Drvr., Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Mills, F.; Striker, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Yorks.
Moffatt, W.; Porter, Oper.; Ferryhill; Pte., Durham L.I.
Murton, R.; Furnaceman; Shildon; Pte., Yorks.
Neal, G.E.; Blacksmith, Loco.; Shildon; Sergt., Durham L.I.
Parkin, A.; Labourer, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Parkinson, W.; Fireman; Shildon; Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Peacock, J.; Hammer Drvr., Loco.; Shildon; Pte. West Yorks.
Peaker, R.; Caller-up, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., York and Lancs.
Pearson, G.G.; Labourer, Loco.; Shildon; Corpl., Yorks.
Pearson, J.; Sawyer; Shildon; Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Pecker, R.; Temp. Caller-up; Shildon; Pte., York and Lancs.
Prentice, B.W.; Striker, Loco.; Shildon; Gunner, R.G.A.
Ramage, W.; Shearer, Loco.; Shildon; Corpl., King's Liverpool.
Richardson, T.; Hmr. Driver, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Seaforth Highlanders.
Riley, C.; Forge Assistant; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Robinson, A.;Lamp Cleaner, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Robinson, R.H.; Labourer; Shildon; L.-Corpl., Nrthd. Fus.
Robson, T.W.; Painter, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Yorks.
Sambrook, A.E.; Hammer Drvr., Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Scarth, J.H.; Platelayer; Shildon; Sapper, R.E.
Smith, R.; Platelayer; Ferryhill; Pte., Durham L.I.
Snowdon, W.; Greaser; Shildon; Pte., K.O.Y.L.I.
Solomon, E.; Plumber, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Spensley, H.; Striker, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Stephenson, H.; Wagon Builder; Shildon; Pte., York and Lancs.
Stockell, S.; Porter, Oper.; Ferryhill; L.-Corpl., Durham L.I.
Thirlaway, J.; Fireman; Shildon; Pte., Suffolks.
Thompson, T.E.; Hammer Driver; Shildon; Pte., K.L.R.
Trusler, H.; Hammer Drvr., Loco.; Shildon; Pte., King's Liverpool.
Trusler, S.; Labourer, Loco.; Shildon; Pte., York and Lancs.
Tully, L.; Wagon Builder; Shildon; Pte., Durham L.I.
Tweddle, J.; Platelayer; Aycliffe; Corporal, Border.
Tyreman, G.W.; Shearer; Shildon; Bombdr. R.G.A.
Vasey, A.; Hammer Drvr., Loco.; Shildon; Pte., K.O.Y.L.I.
Watson, J.W.; Labourer, Loco.; Shildon; L.-Corpl., Durham L.I.
Willans, G.H.; Asst. Signalman; Ferryhill; Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Young, J.C.; Fitter, Loco.; Shildon; Corpl., R.E.