The North Eastern Railway Memorial for 1914-18 at York contains the names of the following connected with Alnwick District. The details are in columns headed - Name, Nature of civil employment, Place, Rank & Regiment or ship:
North Eastern Railway
N.E.R. men who have laid down
their lives for King and Country
Allison, J.; Mason, Engrs.; Alnwick; L.-Sergt.; Nrthd. Fus.
Bennett, J.; Temporary Cleaner; Alnmouth; Pte.; West Yorks.
Cavan, G.H.; Fireman; Alnmouth; Corpl.; W. Yorks.
Hall, R.M.; Signal Porter; Hedgeley; Pte.; Nrthd. Fus.
Hindmarsh, A.; Lengthman; Christon Bank; Pte.; Nrthd. Fus.
Thew, T.; Porter, Oper.; Warkworth; Pte.; Durham L.I.
Thompson, A.H.; Labourer; Alnmouth; Pte.; Nrthd. Fus.