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South African Graves at Groot Marico in 1924
The Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 9th February 1924 carries a report on the state of the graves of 20 soldiers who fought in the Boer War, six of whom served with the Northumberland and Durham Imperial Yeomanry. These facts were reported in the Sunday Times of Johannesburg, a clipping from which was forwarded to the Editor by a Novocastrian now domiciled in the Transvaal.

The report by Mr. J.P. Koelman of Groot Marico says:
“At Groot Marico is the burial ground of twenty soldiers, fallen during the Anlgo-Boer War. These graves were once in good condition, but time – and oxen, donkeys, etc., have done their work and the graves are not now worthy of such men.
Are there not friends or relatives who would like to have these resting places in better condition? I am sure there are.
I am willing to correspond with anyone – relative or friend – who would like to do or give something towards putting these graves in order. Nearly all the tombstones are broken, and the fence around them lies flat on the ground, so that animals walk over the graves."

The names of those buried at Groot Marico are as follows:

Amos, Private T., 2nd Imperial Yeomanry, killed in action October 19, 1900 (25423)
Bennet, Sergeant H.A., N.S.W. Bushmen, killed in action October 16, 1900.
Boyd, Private R.O.P., Bechuanaland Rifles, killed in action October 16, 1900 (352)
Brown, Private T.R., 13th Batt. Imperial Yeomanry, killed in action Sept. 5, 1901 (26878)
Brown, Private T.W., Northumberland and Durham Imperial Yeomanry, killed in action September 5, 1901 (29499)
Coxon, Private W., Northumberland and Durham Imperial Yeomanry, killed in action Sept. 5, 1901 (28490)
Dewey, Private J.N., Bechuanaland Rifles, killed in action October 18, 1900
Dixon, Private A.B., 13th Batt. Imperial Yeomanry killed in action Sept. 5, 1901 (26908)
Dixon, Private J., Northumberland and Durham Imperial Yeomanry, killed in action Sept. 5, 1901 (33113)
Douglas, Sergeant A., Northumberland and Durham Imperial Yeomanry, killed in action Sept. 5, 1901 (29537)
Gilham, Sergeant H., 10th Batt. Imperial Yeomanry, killed in action June 11, 1901.
Grudge, Corporal H., 9th Batt. Imperial Yeomanry killed in action Sept. 5, 1901 (33530)
Hewitson, Lance-Corpl. J., killed in action Sept. 5, 1901 (28507)
Lucas, Private C.A., 10th Batt. Imperial Yeomanry, killed in action June 11, 1901
Mannox, Private H., 13th Batt. Imperial Yeomanry, killed in action Sept. 5, 1901 (2688)
McCracken, Pte. J., Bechuanaland Rifles, killed in action October 16, 1900 (359)
Morris, Private T., 10th Batt., Imperial Yeomanry, killed in action Sept. 5, 1901 (1806)
Norman, Private T.J., Northumberland and Durham Imp. Yeomanry, killed in action October 22, 1901 (29653)
Wilson, Private H., 9th Batt. Imperial Yeomanry (?), killed in action Sept. 5, 1901 (33918)
A tombstone reading: “Here lies a British Soldier, (name unknown)”

In the report the names are given in the order in which they are placed in the graveyard. In this list they have been placed in alphabetical order.