Regional Content

Teachers who Served in 1914-18
Source: National Union of Teachers War Record 1914-1919. A short account of duty and work accomplished during the war. Published in 1920 by Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London, W.C.1.

The names of those teachers who were killed or who died as a result of war conditions appear in bold type.
An asterisk (*) is placed against the name of a teacher was honoured for gallant services.



Anderson T. - Wallsend
Appleby T. - Blyth
Archbold J.E. - Northumberland (E)
Ash W.B. - Northumberland (S)
Atkinson A. - Northumberland (E)
Atkinson M. - Hexham
Axon W.T. - Northumberland (E)

Barker J. - Northumberland (S)
Barker J. - Northumberland (E)
Barnfather F. - Northumberland (E)
Bavidge G.G. - Tynemouth
Beal B. - Alnwick
Beattie T. - Northumberland (E)
Bell T.A. - Hexham etc.
Bell T.M. - Northumberland (S)
*Bishop (Miss) K. - Northumberland (E)
Blackburn J. - Northumberland (E)
Borrell A. - Alnwick
Boundy J. - Northumberland (E)
Brand H. - Wallsend
Browell C.W. - Bellingham
Brown D. - Northumberland (S)
Brown J. - Alnwick
Bryson V.H. - Tynemouth
Burnett J.C. - Tynemouth
Burnham W. - Northumberland (E)
Butcher (Miss) D.E. - Tynemouth

Carnegie A. - Wallsend
Chapman J. - Northumberland (E)
Charlton G. - Northumberland (S)
Charlton G. - Blyth
Charlton (Miss) M.J. - Northumberland (E)
*Charlton W.R. - Tynemouth
Clark J.L. - Blyth
Clark R.W. - Northumberland (S)
Clegg F. - Northumberland (E)
Clements R.C. - Northumberland (N)
Clothier H.W. - Northumberland (S)
Coates W.H. - Newcastle on Tyne
Cockburn W. - Tynemouth
Cole W. - Northumberland (E)
Cook -. - Wallsend
Corbett J. - Northumberland (S)
Cottrell L.S.J. - Blyth
Coulthard W. - Blyth
Coxon G.R. - Northumberland (E)
Cresswell A.W. - Northumberland (S)
Crosby T. - Blyth
Cundell T. - Northumberland (S)
Cunningham J. - Bellingham
Cunningham J. - Northumberland (E)
Cutter. E.O. - Wallsend

Davison W.M. - Alnwick
Dickinson T.E. - Northumberland (S)
Dinnin J. - Northumberland (E)
Dixon J.W. - Alnwick
Dixon R. - Northumberland (E)
Dixon T. - Northumberland (E)
Dodds T.G. - Northumberland (S)

Elliott J. - Alnwick

Fairey A.M. - Tynemouth
Fanstone G. - Tynemouth
Ferrell T. - Blyth
Firth J.B. - Bellingham
Fish J. - Northumberland (N)
Fisher (Miss) - Northumberland (E)
Forsyth R. - Tynemouth
Freeling W.C. - Tynemouth

Gallon J.R. - Northumberland (E)
Garforth P. - Alnwick
Gibson J. - Northumberland (S)
Gibson T.W. - Northumberland (E)
Gibson W.E. - Northumberland (E)
Graham W.G. - Wallsend
Grant G.F. - Wallsend
Grant P. - Tynemouth
Grant R. - Wallsend
Gray H.C. - Northumberland (E)
Green C.F. - Tynemouth
Greener H.P. - Northumberland (S)

Hall S.R. - Tynemouth
Hall W. - Wallsend
Hamilton J.K. - Northumberland (S)
Harbron R. - Blyth
Hare T.O. - Northumberland (S)
Harrison D. - Northumberland (E)
Harrison E. - Northumberland (E)
*Haynes J.W. - Tynemouth
Haywood J. - Wallsend
Henderson T. - Northumberland (E)
Heslop F. - Northumberland (S)
Heslop N. - Wallsend
Hewit T. - Northumberland (E)
Hince T.H. - Northumberland (E)
Hingley E.T. - Tynemouth
*Hogg G.E. - Tynemouth
Horton A. - Tynemouth
Hunter R.H. - Northumberland (N)

Jackson N. - Blyth
Jeffrey A. - Tynemouth
Jewels J.G. - Wallsend
Jewels T.H. - Wallsend

Kippen J. - Wallsend
Knox J.W. - Northumberland (S)

Lapping G. - Wallsend
Lawson G.D. - Alnwick
Leathard J. - Northumberland (E)
*Lisle J.R. - Blyth
Locke A. - Northumberland (E)
Locke J. - Northumberland (E)
Lorriman J. - Tynemouth

MacDonald F. - Northumberland (S)
Maddison R. - Northumberland (E)
Main T. - Northumberland (E)
Marley F.G. - Tynemouth
Marshall J.F. - Blyth
Marshall R.R. - Blyth
Marshall W.E. - Northumberland (E)
Martin F. - Wallsend
*Martin R.R.S. - Alnwick
*Maxey H.R. - Blyth
McAndrews J.W. - Northumberland (S)
McConnell J. - Wallsend
McCullagh M. - Tynemouth
McNeil G.W. - Alnwick
Miller -. - Northumberland (E)
Miller J. - Northumberland (S)
Mills R. - Tynemouth
Milne W.J. - Tynemouth
Mitchell W. - Blyth
Moffat T. - Wallsend
Moffat J. - Alnwick
*Muir A.W. - Northumberland (E)
Murray J. - Northumberland (S)
Myers R. - Tynemouth

Nichol W. - Northumberland (S)
Nicholson R.J. - Northumberland (E)

Ord W.A. - Northumberland (E)
Oxley E. - Wallsend

Pallister R. - Northumberland (E)
Park J.G. - Hexham
Parrack J. - Alnwick
Patterson J. - Northumberland (E)
Pattison A. - Blyth
Pearson F. - Hexham etc.
Potter W. - Tynemouth
Pougher G.A. - Northumberland (E)
Pratt C. - Alnwick
Price P.P. - Alnwick
Pritchard S.G. - Northumberland (S)

Raitt W. - Northumberland (E)
*Reay T. - Northumberland (E)
Redford R.P. - Blyth
Reed W.D. - Bellingham
Renton A. - Northumberland (S)
Rhodes J.W. - Hexham etc.
Richardson J.W. - Hexham
Richardson T.W. - Northumberland (S)
Rigg R.E. - Tynemouth
Robertson P.W. - Tynemouth
Robinson G.T. - Northumberland (S)
Robson Miss) A. - Alnwick
Robson H. - Tynemouth
Robson J.E. - Northumberland (E)
Robson J.G. - Northumberland (N)
Robson T.W. - Blyth
Rogers J.T. - Blyth
Ross A. - Northumberland (E)
Rowe W. - Northumberland (E)
Rutherford J.W. - Wallsend
Rutherford R. - Northumberland (E)

Saint -. - Northumberland (S)
Saint T.G. - Alnwick
Sanderson G. - Blyth
Scorer J. - Wallsend
Sharp F.E. - Hexham etc.
Shipley T. - Tynemouth
Skelly -. - Wallsend
Slater G.W. - Tynemouth
*Slater T. - Northumberland (E)
Smailes J.R. - Hexham etc.
Smith C. - Northumberland (S)
Smith H. - Wallsend
Smith M.D. - Wallsend
Smith W.D. - Northumberland (E)
Smyth T. - Northumberland (E)
Sopwith R.E. - Tynemouth
Southern M. - Hexham etc.
Spall H. - Tynemouth
Standen J.W. - Tynemouth
Stanger J.H. - Tynemouth
Stephenson W.G. - Hexham etc.
Stone F. - Alnwick
Storer H. - Tynemouth
Storrow B. - Northumberland (E)
Straughan W.P. - Alnwick
Tait H. - Northumberland (E)
Tate J.M. - Northumberland (N)
Telford F. - Wallsend
Temple -. - Northumberland (E)
Thompson R. - Northumberland (E)
Thompson T. - Northumberland (E)
Thompson W. - Northumberland (E)
Toll E.J. - Bellingham
Trainer W.L. - Northumberland (N)
Trevor B.G. - Northumberland (S)
Trigg (Miss) - Northumberland (E)
Turnbull J.J. - Bellingham
Tustin H. - Northumberland (S)

Urwin H. - Northumberland (S)

Veevers W. - Northumberland (N)

Wade W. - Northumberland (S)
Waine H. - Tynemouth
Waite T.C. - Bellingham
Wallace D.S. - Tynemouth
*Wallace T. - Northumberland (S)
Ward T. - Hexham etc.
Watson A. - Wallsend
Watson F.F. - Tynemouth
Watson (Miss)I. - Hexham etc.
Watson T. - Hexham etc.
Whittaker H. - Northumberland (S)
Wilson A. - Northumberland (E)
Wilson J. - Northumberland (E)
Winter W. - Tynemouth
Wright S.A. - Northumberland (E)
Wright T. - Northumberland (E)
Wright W. - Northumberland (S)

Young J.W. - Northumberland (E)