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Aged Miners' Cottages proposals 1919
The Morpeth Herald 14/02/1919 reports a proposal by the Northumberland Aged Mine Workers Homes Association (President, Mr. J. Cairns, M.P.) "to erect a memorial group of cottages to mark the victorious conclusion of the war".

The Morpeth Herald 04/04/1919 follows this up, proposing that cottages be built in every colliery village, pro rata to the amount of money raised.
Local Committees should consider these proposals "in the hope they will not pledge themselves to any schemes until ours is before them".

The Morpeth Herald 22/08/1919 reports that the scheme has met general approval from the affiliated branches. Each member will pay a contribution of 1 penny a week for three years. From this, general purpose funding would be taken by the Association, with the balance going to the memorial cottages scheme.

The Morpeth Herald 21/05/1920 reports that the plan had not met with the success anticipated. Larger collieries felt that they already had enough to cope with and did not want to incur more expenditure. Some collieries had supported the scheme. The income for the year had been £2,940 13s 1d whilst expenditure had been £745 4s 1d.