Parish Notes

Aircraft crash at St.George's Hospital 1941
Air Crash Northumberland Gray, Corbett, Shipley & Anderson, 2008, Countryside Books, OSBN 978 1 84674 112 8 gives an account of a Heinkel which crashed at St. George’s Hospital on 6-7th May 1941.

This was Heinkel He.111 H-5 A1+CK 2/KG53, which was shot down by P/O F. Lanning.

The crew were all taken prisoner of war, and were:
Uffz. Karl Rassloff;
Gfr. Emmerich Lernbass;
Uffz Karl Simon;
Gfr. Walter Schmidt;
Gfr. Heinz Quittenbaum.
The Morpeth Antiquarian Society has a very small part of a gun from that aircraft in their collection.
Another relic can be seen in the Aviation Museum at Bamburgh Castle. Contact the Museum by e-mail address: