Parish Notes

Meadowdale Academy remembers The Somme
In 2016 Meadowdale Academy organised a display to commemorate the centenary of the Battle of the Somme.

There was a frieze of poppies which carried a notice which reads:

Poppy frieze
The poppy frieze above is part of the
display by Meadowdale Academy.
Each name is one of those 23 men from
Bedlington and 20 men from Netherton
Colliery who are recorded in St. Cuthbert's
Enlistment Book as having died during the
Battle of the Somme.
31 of these 43 men died on the first day of
the battle - July 1st, 1916.

There was also a display comprised of messages written to the men who fell.

Letters were written by older children thanking them for giving their lives so that the world could live in peace.

Smaller children wrote a brief message on a poppy shaped card.