A Welcome Home event was held on 10th September 1919. One quarter of the male population served, while 22 fell. Ladies had contributed with hospital and other war work. The village was dressed overall with bunting, flags, evergreens and messages of welcome. A procession, headed by Amble and Radcliffe Prize Band, started at Birling Park and entered the town by the gateway. Uniforms were not allowed, and the men were dressed in civilian clothes.
There was a stop at the Market Cross for the singing of the National Anthem and speeches, and a patriotic song by schoolchildren.
They then went to the cricket field for a sports event which included: Kicking football; 100 yards flat race; pillow fight; ¼ mile flat race; slow cycle race; sack race, blindfolded; long jump; drill down competition; high jump; standing high jump, and tilting the bucket.
The returned soldiers, sailors nurses and other war workers were presented with an illuminated address of welcome.
The day’s proceedings ended with a banquet in the Public Hall, decorated by Mr. Fordy, and over 100 sat down to a meal prepared by the Ladies’ Committee and the owner of the Sun Inn. This was followed by entertainment.