District Notes

North Eastern Railway Magazine 1914
North Eastern Railway Magazine 1914 page 279.

Up to the time of going to press (October 28th 1914) the total number of N.E.R. staff with the colours is 5,440, of which number 3,031 have enlisted since the outbreak of war. This represents 10.1 per cent. of the total staff in all grades. According to the latest estimates, some 56,000 railwaymen of the United Kingdom are with the Colours, equivalent to a little over 9.1 per cent. The London & North Western Company leads the list with the high total of 9,400 (11 per cent) followed by Great Western with 7,600 (10.5 per cent.) and the Midland with 6,700 (9.6 per cent.), the NER coming fourth.