The Auckland Chronicle 01/01/1920 reports:
"A Welcome Home.
The returned soldiers and sailor of Merrington were entertained on Friday evening to a feast of good things. The ladies of Merrington have not been behind in their 'welcome home' to the lads who have served their country. At 6.30 prompt the returned heroes, with their wives, sat down to a splendid repast, after which the men were treated to tobacco and cigarettes. The Rev. D. Perrott, vicar, presided, and in a few well-chosen remarks gave the lads a welcome home. He spoke of the signs of the times, with a warning against Bolshevism. Mrs. Hunter also spoke, urging the men to do their best to make their locality better by setting an example themselves. Lieut. Scutt moved a vote of thanks to the ladies of the Committee, which was seconded by Mr. T. Woodrough. The evening was pleasantly spent with songs, recitations, etc."