District Notes

North Eastern Railway memorial, York
James Pasby and Tony Harding have supplied the following information.

The North Eastern Railway Memorial for 1914-18 at York contains the names of the following connected with Stockton District. The details are in columns headed - Name, Nature of civil employment, Place, Rank & Regiment or ship:

North Eastern Railway
N.E.R. men who have laid down
their lives for King and Country

Adams, R.N.; Porter, Oper.; Stockton; Pte.; East Yorks.
Bee, J.T.H.; Gangman; Norton-on-Tees; Sergt.; Nrthd. Fus.
Blake, R.R.; Loader; South Stockton; Sergt.; Durham L.I.
Brown, R.; Clerk, Goods; Haverton Hill; Signaller; Durham L.I.
Buckley, A.; Fireman; Haverton Hill; Pte.; K.R.R.
Enderwick, J.; Platelayer; Norton-on-Tees; Pte.; Border.
Finch, W.H.; Engine Cleaner; Stockton; Pte.; Durham L.I.
Gill, J.W.; Loader; South Stockton; Pte.; Durham L.I.
Green, E.E.; Gangman, Tele.; Stockton; L.-Corpl.; K.O.S.B.
Harrison, J.W; Porter, Oper.; South Stockton; Pte.; Yorks.
Hearty, P.; Loader; South Stockton; Pte.; Yorks.
Henderson, R.T.; Porter, Oper.; Eaglescliffe; Pte.; Nrthd. Fus.
Howells, W.; Loader; South Stockton; Stoker; H.M.S. "Falmouth."
Jackson, P.; Fireman; Stockton; Pte.; King's Royal Rifles.
Jennings, J.W.; Asst. Signalman; Stockton; Corpl.; K.O.Y.L.I.
Johnson, T.; Cleaner; Stockton; Pte.; Durham L.I.
Kidd, G.C.; Platelayer; Norton-on-Tees; Pte.; Grenadier Guards.
Liversidge, W.; Carriage Cleaner; Stockton; Pte.; Durham L.I.
Longstaff, J.; Asst. Signalman; Eaglescliffe; Pte.; Nrthd. Fus.
Martin, J.; Freight Guard; Haverton Hill; Pte.; Yorks.
Millman, C.G.; Porter, Oper.; Stockton; Corpl.; King's Royal Rifles.
Murray, W.; Lampman; Thornaby; Pte.; Nrthd. Fus.
Pinch, J.H.; Platelayer; Wynyard; Sapper; R.E.
Ryder, W.T.; Rulleyman; Stockton; Trimmer; R.N.R.
Tippey, M.; Fireman; Stockton; Stoker; H.M.S. "Natal."
Tuttle, S.; Fireman; Stockton; Pte.; Durham L.I.
Walker, S.; Freight Shunter; Stockton; Corpl.; K.R.R.
Wall, W.; Platelayer; Stockton; Pte.; Nrthd. Fus.
Webster, J.R.; Number taker; Stockton; Pte.; Yorks.
Wilson, J.H.; Porter, Oper.; Stockton; Pte.; Royal Scots.