Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Tony Harding


Panelling 1914-18 St. Michael




BYKER (N'castle/Byker)

Map ref

NZ 272644

Original Location

St. Michael's Church, Headlam Street. (Closed). In the sanctuary

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled April 16th 1927 by Col. N.I. Wright D.S.O. and dedicated by Rev. F. Baker, M.C., C.F., Vicar.

Memorial Description

Panels. Those on the east are each 62 inches high x 60 inches wide. Those on the north and south sides are each 62 inches high x 96 inches wide.
Each pair of panels has a single horizontal panel above which bears a badge in full colour.
Names are listed in a single column on each vertical panel, sometimes with spaces between names., mainly using a panel for each letter of the alphabetic, and having no bearing on the regimental badge above.
Lettering is handpainted in gilt. The dedication, which runs right along the top round all three sides, is in elaborate lower case. The names are in Roman capitals with shading.

Materials used



To the Glory of God and in / memory of the men of / Byker Parish who fell / in the Great War 1914 1918



1. A Faculty No.1745 dated 05/09/1950 allowed for the “Construction of the Memorial Chapel in the south aisle and to add one roof floodlight for the purpose of illuminating the same”. Was this a war memorial Chapel, and was it ever implemented?

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Tony Harding

Research acknowledgements

Tony Harding; Carol Ann Logan

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Panelling 1914-18 St. Michael (B95.17)

BYKER          St. Michael's Church 
   To the Glory of God and in
   memory of the men of
   Byker Parish who fell
   in the Great War 1914-1918
Panel 1           Panel 2           Panel 3           Panel 4        

   Aitchison, J.S.   Bacon, F.J.       Campbell, J.J.    Darby, A.
   Allan, D.         Bagnal, G.        Cartman, J.W.     Davis, S.
   Allan, S.O.       Bairstow, J.      Cass, J.          Davison, A.
   Anderson, D       Barber, G.H.      Clark, J.         Davison, N.
   Anderson, N.      Barlow, J.W.      Caisley, J.       Day, A.
   Archbold, C.D.    Beautyman, G.J.   Collins, J.       Day, G.
   Armstrong, J.     Beeby, R.         Cornwall, P.      Day, N.
   Armstrong, J.     Bell, G.          Cowens, T.        Dean, J.
   Armstrong, J.M.   Beveridge, M.     Craggs, H.        Dees, J.F.
   Avison, T.        Bewick, T.B.      Crawford, W.      Dick, J
   Ayre, N.G.        Birkett, W.R.     Crozier, A.       Dickinson, C.
                     Black, A.         Cummings, W.      Dinning, L.
                     Black, R.         Cunningham, H.    Dixon, C.
                     Blackett, T.      Currie, J.A.      Dixon, G.
                     Blakey, J.M.                        Dodds, D.
                     Blench, R.W.                        Donnison, W.
                     Bliss, J.H.                         Down, J.
                     Brindley, J.                        Dinsdale, J.G.
                     Brown, T.                           Drape, J.
                     Brown, R.                           Daly, J.R.
                     Brown, T.                           Dent, A.
                     Brydon, M.
                     Bushell, J.E.G.
                     Burn, J.
                     Burn, R.
                     Burn, T.
                     Beattie, A.
Panel 5           Panel 6           Panel 7           Panel 8        

   Edgar, A.         Galloway, G.      Hagg, J.          Hughes, J.
   Ellwood, J.H.W.   Gibbs, J.G.       Hall, C.M.        Hughes, J.
   Etherington, W.   Gilbert, A.W.     Handyside, J.R.   Hume, J.
   Errington, W.     Gilbert, G.       Hannant, J.       Humpish, J.
                     Gill, A.          Hardy, L.
                     Glasper, J.       Harding, F.G.
   Fairbairn, J.     Glasper, W.       Harland, H.C.
   Fairbairn, J.R.   Gotts, J.W.       Harle, J.W.
   Falcus, J.        Gotts, S.         Hart, G.
   Falcus, R.J.      Gould, J.         Hatley, G.W.
   Fenwick, W.       Gould, W.         Haverton, C.M.
   Flockton, C.F.    Gowland, J.       Hedley, O.D.
   Ford, A.          Gray, F.          Hemming, W.J.
   Fowler, A.        Gray, G.          Henderson,G.H.
   Foskett, C.       Gray, H.          Henry, J.T.
   Frank, A.         Grey, G.          Heslop, R.
   Franklin, C.E.    Gribbins, T.      Hill, W.
   Freeman, J.       George, J.W.      Hindmarsh, E.L.
   Fries, G.                           Hodgson, T.
   Fuller, W.                          Hollier, W.
                                       Holliday, W.
                                       Holmes, J.
                                       Holmes, J.W.
                                       Howe, J.P.
                                       Hudson, T.B.
                                       Hudspeth, R.
                                       Hughes, D.B.
Panel 9           Panel 10          Panel 11          Panel 12        

   Iddison, W.J.     Kell, C.          Leighton, R.      McGowan, J.
                     Kell, W.          Lennox, H.        Morrison, A.L.
                                       Lester, F.
                                       Lester, J.
                                       Lockhart, R.
                                       Low, J.
                                       Low, J.
                                       Lumsden, W.
   Jackson, J.T.
   James, J.
   James, J.S.
   James, W.
   James, W.
   Jessop, R.C.
   Joblin, H.
   Johnson, J.
   Johnson, J.R.
   Johnston, G.M.
   Johnston, J.M.
Panel 13          Panel 14          Panel 15          Panel 16        

   Malia, J.         Nash, G.T.        Octon, R.W.       Palgrave, R.W.
   Martin, W.        Nichols, C.       Oliver, H.        Paterson, J.L.
   Martin, W.J.      Nichols, J.       Orr, F.           Patterson, A..
   Matheson, W.L.    Nicholson, W.H.M.                   Patterson, J.
   Matthewson, F.S.  Nixon, A.                           Patterson, W.
   Maughan, W.B.     Noble, R.E.                         Parfitt, M. St L.
   Maxwell, H.B.                                         Parkin, J.
   McCardle, M.                                          Parry, E.
   McClenn, A.                                           Phillipson, J.
   McComb, R.W.                                          Pleasents, J.R.
   McGee, D.                                             Pond, F.W.
   McGregor, E.S.                                        Potter, A.
   McGuinness, J.                                        Potter, W.
   McMillan, A.                                          Potts, R.W.
   Milbourne, G.H.                                       Purchash, F.
   Miller, J.                                       
   Miller, T.T.                                     
   Moat, C.                                         
   Moat, W.                                         
   Moffat, J.                                       
   Moore, T.P.
   Moore, W.
   Mounsey, A.
   Mortimer, H.K.
   Mulholland, T.
   Mullen, D.J.
   Munro, R.
Panel 18          Panel 19          Panel 20          Panel 23

   Railton, G        Salkeld, A.E.     Tait, R.          Walker, J.W.  
   Redhead, A.       Sanderson, J.     Tait, S.          Walker, T.W.   
   Reed, J.L.        Savage, R.        Taylor, F.G.      Walker, T.
   Renwick, T.W.     Scott, J.         Taylor, H.        Walker, R.H.
   Richardson, T.    Scope, A.         Taylor, J.G.      Walsh, M.    
   Rivett, G.W.      Seymour, W.H.     Taylor, R.W.      Walton, J.
   Roach, B.         Shaw, J.          Taylor, S.T.      Waters, J.
   Robson, J.        Simpson, J.H.     Taylor, W.        Waters, J.
   Robson, J.M.      Skinner, J.       Taylor, W.J.      Watson, F.
   Robson, S.M.      Smettem, S.       Tenwick, T.F.     Watson, J.
   Robson, S.        Smith E.          Tenwick, W.G.     Watson, J.H.
   Robson, W.        Spark, J.H.       Thoburn, H.       Wannah, D..
   Robertson, A.     Spanton, W.       Thompson, F.      Webb, D.
   Robertson, T.     Spoor, T.         Thompson, J.      Weedon, J.T.
   Rodgers, A.       Spoore, G.        Thompson, J.      Wheatley, C.
   Ross, G.E.N.      Starkey, E.A.     Thompson, S.      White, W.
   Rowe, R.          Steel, M.         Thrower, J.       Wilkie, W.
   Rowlands, J.E.    Stewart, R.C.     Tomkinson, A.E.   Williamson, W.H..
   Ruffells, A.B.    Stewart, W.       Tovell, G.R.A.    Williamson, W.
   Rutherford, W.H.  Storie, M.        Trotter, F.       Wilson, J.
                     Story, J.                           Wilson, T.
                     Stranger, J.                        Wilson, W.
                     Straughan, W.                       Winship, R.
                     Sundin, H.                          Wiper, J.S.
                                                         Wise, J.
                                                         Wise, M.
                                                         Wood, A.
Panel 24          Panel 25          Panel 26

   Wood              Young, A.         Unveiled
   Wood, J.P.        Young, J.         April 16th 1927
   Wood, S.          Young, L.         by Col. N.I. Wright, D.S.O.
   Wood, W.          Young, W.G.       Dedicated
   Worth, J.         Young, W.         by Rev F. Baker, M.A., C.F., Vicar
                                       S. Bell
                                       W.T. Smith Churchwardens

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story