Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: J. Brown


Plaque Slipway 1914-18 Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company Ltd.





Original Location

Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company Ltd. On outside entrance wall. Transferred to the Bogie Chain Club.

Present Location

In 2021 relocated to the foyer of Wallsend Customer First Centre at 16 The Forum, Wallsend NE28 8JR

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date


Memorial Description

Plaque 7 feet high x 3 feet 6 inches wide (2.13 m x 914mm) in a teak frame 8 feet high x 4 feet wide (2.43m x 1.21m). It is made of four parts, one lying horizontal at the top, with a dome at centre. The other three parts are vertical below this.
In the dome at centre top is a wreath with the dates “1914” and “1918” on either side. All headings are in Gothic script.
The names of those who died are underneath the dedication, listed in five columns. Below this is mention of those who were awarded honours. The names of the men who served are listed in ten columns. All lettering is raised and burnished on a black background using sans serif lettering.

Materials used

Bronze with copper inlay.


1914 1918 / Roll of Honour / of the Employees of / The Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co. Limited / who served with His Majesty’s Forces in the / Great War. / The following made the supreme sacrifice. / (Names) / The following men received honours / (Names) /


Who commissioned

Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company Ltd.

Present condition

Restored beautifully in 1999

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Made by G. Maile and Son, 367 Euston Road, London, NW1.
Restored by T. & C. Gustafson, Eagle Joinery, Wallsend.


1. The firm was taken over by Howard Doris of Sunderland, who demolished the offices. They later went bankrupt. The records were destroyed.

2. The plaque was taken into stores, and was in the Heritage Centre for two years.

3. The pub has changed its name to the Bogie Chain. But it was sited directly opposite the entrance to the Wallsend Slipway works, and the men would have known the pub well. That is why it is considered a suitable place to have the memorial on show.

4. The man who restored the memorial, Mr. Gustafson, is a descendant of T. Gustafson named on the plaque, who was 18 years old when he was killed.

5. When the Memorial was found there was very little interest shown except by a Mr John Wilkinson, businessman and owner of the "The Bogie Chain" public house and restaurant, formerly The Railway Hotel, Wallsend. Mr Wilkinson was shocked at the discovery and together with Mr T. Gustafson set about renovating and fully restoring the plaque at their own expense. Mr Wilkinson had the plaque magnificently remounted and installed in his restaurant at the Bogie Chain.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: R.W. Gould; Janet Brown

Evening Chronicle 29/01/1997 carries a letter regarding the story of the discovery and relocation of Memorial. See link below.

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

The late R.W. Gould; George & Janet Brown; John Dolon; Pamela Wilson, Team Leader (Libraries) Wallsend Customer First Centre Cultural Services

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque Slipway 1914-18 Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company Ltd. (W7.23)

Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co. Ltd.

   1914                              1918
   Roll of Honour
   of the Employees of
   The Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co. Ltd.
   who served with His Majesty’s Forces in the
   Great War
   The following made the Supreme Sacrifice.
   John Anderson    William S. Cowell John Kennedy        H. McGuin           D.E. Stimpson
   T. Archbold      R.E. Craggs       James Knowles       James Peak          A. Stobbs
   Robert E. Bell   Frederick Dean    Richard Lamb        William Pickering   Alfred Teasdale
   J. Blyth         W. Douglas        Patrick Lavin       Hector Rendall      Robert G. Teasdale
   J.K. Briten      T. Duffy          H. Laws             John Richardson     W. Thompson
   T. Brown         W.K. Dunlop       George Lyall        Robert M. Robertson John W. Todd
   Richard W. Bruce George Forster    Hendry Maller       William Rutherford  Thomas W. Twizell
   J. Bulman        Thomas Gustafson  G.N. Marling        H. Salmon           J. Waddell
   John G. Cable    Peter Haley       George J.Middlemass John Sandilands     Robert Walker
   John Campbell    John W. Hill      William Morton      William D. Scott    J.C. Whitfield
   Eric Champness   William Hodgson   James W. Neil       Frederick Short     Sidney H. Wilson
   William Clough   E. Jacques        Robt. Nicholson     William Sowerby     Frederick Woodcock      
   The following men received Honours
   T. Brown M.M.                James Hulme, M.S.M.           Stephen Edwards Morris, M.M.   
   Reginald O.Downie, D.C.M.    John James Melling M.M. and Belgian Cross  

   Michael McManus, M.M.        R. Tytler, D.S.M.
   Hector Rendall, D.C.M.       Utrick Wheatley, M.M.

    Column 1            Column 2            Column 3
      N. Abbot           J. Campbell         W.H. Dodds   
      B.J. Adams         O.W. Campbell       J. Dolan      
      A. Aitchison       R. Campbell         W. Dolan      
      C.H. Alcock        T. Campbell         W. Donaldson      
      C. Alexander       W. Campbell         E. Donkin      
      W.G. Alexander     W. Campbell         W. Dowell      
      G. Allen           M.W. Carey          A. Downie   
      A. Anderson        W. Carlyle          F. Driver         
      A. Anderson        G.W. Carr           R.H. Dryden   
      J. Anderson        O. Carroll          W. Drysdale      
      J. Armstrong       J. Cassidy          A. Duff         
      A. Arthur          M. Cassidy          J.M. Duncan      
      C.R. Arrowsmith    T. Cassidy          A. Dunlop         
      A. Atkinson        J.G. Casson         G.W. Dunn      
      H. Atkinson        W.E. Cawley         J.H. Dunn      
      J. Atkinson        B. Chambers         W. Dunn      
      S. Atkinson        L. Chambers         M. Dwyer      
                         J. Chapman          A.O. Dyer      
      N. Bailey          R. Chappell         
      S. Bailey          M.B. Chichester     H.D.W. Earnshaw      
      J. Bainbridge      W. Child            J. Edwards      
      J.W. Bainbridge    R. Chisleslen       R. Edwards   
      F. Baitey          J. Christie         R. Edwards   
      J. Baker           R. Christie         J. Egdell      
      A. Ball            E. Clark            A.J.G. Egdill   
      W. Balmer          M. Clark            G.W. Eglen      
      A. Barnes          T. Clavering        H. Elliott         
      W. Bartholomew     G. Clementson       J. Elliott         
      R. Baxter          T. Clubley          W.H. Elliott   
      W.W. Baxter        J.R. Coates         J. Ellis         
      N. Bastow          W. Colbeck          C. Elsdon         
      E.J. Beall         E. Coldwell         G. Elsdon      
      G. Beatty          J.H. Coldwell       S. Elston      
      N.S. Beeson        F. Coleby           F. Embleton   
      C. Bell            D. Collier          J. Embleton   
      C. Bell            D. Collins          J.P. English   
      G.L. Bell          R. Collins               
      G.N. Bell          A. Colquqhoun       W.E. Fallows      
      J. Bell            J. Connolly         J.H. Fannen   
      J. Bell            M. Conoby           J. Farley      
      J.C. Bell          T. Conway           W. Farquhar      
      J.S. Bell          T.M. Conway         J. Fawcett      
      R. Bell            W. Conway           A. Fay      
      R.E. Bell          F.W. Cook           W. Fennelly      
      W.T. Bell          R. Coppen           J. Fenny         
      T.W. Bellerby      T.D. Cotton         J.R. Finch         
      H. Bennett         C.P. Coulson        J. Finlay         
      J. Berry           F. Cowell           P. Finlay         
      G.A. Bethell       W.S. Cowell         R. Finlay      
      J.F. Bewick        G. Cowie            S. Fishwick   
      R. Bigham          W.B. Cowper         A. Fittes      
      H.J. Birdsey       R. Cruddace         C. Fitzgerald      
      W. Black           J.R. Cruickshanks   W. Flanagan   
      D.A. Blackburn     J. Cummins          R.A. Flaws   
      R. Blackburn       G. Cunningham       D. Flynn         
      R. Blacklock                           J. Flynn         
      F. Blake           W. Daglish          O. Flynn      
      J. Blyth           O. Dale             F.G. Foreman   
      T.S. Bond          A. Dalziel          J.W. Forrest   
      G.E. Bone          J.R. Daniels        W. Forrest         
      J.S. Borwick       G.W. Davidson       H. Forster    
      H. Bowmer          R. Davidson         J. Forster      
      J.R. Bowmer        B. Davies           W.H. Forster         
      T. Boyd            L.C. Davies         W.R. Forster   
      J. Brannigan       C. Dawson           J. Foster      
      J. Brannigan       R. Dawson           J.S. Foster      
      P. Brannigan       A. Deagle           W.B. Foster      
      J. Brennan         S.S. Dees           G. Fortune      
      W. Brewis          M. Dermody          J. Frame         
      A. Brotherton      L. Dickinson        A. Fraser      
      A. Brown           P. Dickinson        W. Fromson   
      W.C. Brown         W. Dixon            D. Fuller      
      R. Bruce           G. Dobie           
      R. Bulman          E. Dobson           B. Galletly      
      A.A. Burn          A.J. Dodds          E. Galloway   
      J. Burns           D. Dodds            W. Galloway   
      J.W. Bush          H. Dodds            W. Garbutt      
      J. Butler          J. Dodds            T.W. Gascoigne   
                         W. Dodds            J. Gates      
      J.H. Cable      
   Column 4            Column 5            Column 6

      J. Gibson          P.Hogan             W.L. Loffstadt   
      J.W. Gibbons       A.A. Hogg           J.W. Logan   
      R.E. Gibson        W. Hogg             H. Long      
      C.M. Gilbert       W.W. Holdforth      T. Long   
      H.C. Gilbertson    A. Hollings         W.E. Longstaff   
      W.D. Gilbertson    S. Holm             G.H. Low      
      H. Gilhespie       A. Hopton           J. Lowthwaite   
      W. Gilroy          N. Horsley          R. Luff   
      D. Gilvray         E. Howling          J.Lumsden   
      A.B. Gladstone     D.M. Hudson         S.F. Lunn   
      W.C. Gladstone     J. Hughes           J. Lynam   
      J.T. Glasspool     W. Hughes           W.D. Lynam
      J.T. Goddard       W. Hunter           E. Lynch   
      J. Golightly       H. Hutchins         J.S. Logie   
      E. Goodall         R. Hutton           
      J.E. Goodfellow                        J.W. Mackay   
      J. Gorman          F.C. Ingram         J. Madden      
      T.C. Gorman        H. Ingram           M. Malia      
      W. Grace           J.J. Irving         T. Malone      
      J. Graham                              J. Mann             
      R. Grainger        W. Jameson          C. Marchant   
      J. Grant           W. Jameson          G.P. Marley   
      D. Gray            G. Jefferson        A. Marshall   
      W.H. Gray          J.N. Jeffrey        W.F. Marshall   
      B.A. Green         H.A. Joab           G.W.S. Martin   
      R. Greene          C.G. Jobling        J. Martin   
      J. Gregson         A. Johnson          W. Martin   
      E.N. Grey          R. Johnson          W.D. Martin
      J. Gribbin         T. Johnson          G.F. Mason   
      F.C. Griffiths     H. Johnston         J. Mason   
      J.P.W. Grieves     G. Johnstone        J. Mather   
      H. Groves          C.W. Jolley         T. Mather      
      F. Grimes          H. Jolley           W. Mather      
      T.H. Gunn          D.M.I. Jones        T.W. Mathews  
      C. Gustafson       G.B. Jones          E.F. Matthews   
      R. Guy             M.C. Jones          T.Y. Matthews    
                         J. Jordan           J. Maughan        
      E. Hadden          J. Joyce            R. Metcalfe
      T. Haggerston                          J.H. Mewett   
      H. Hall            H. Kelly            G. Middlemass   
      J. Hall            H.B.E. Kelly        J. Middlemiss
      J.C. Hall          E. Kemp             J. Middlemiss   
      J.W. Hall          A. Kennedy          R. Milburn    
      M. Hall            J. Kennedy          D.W. Miller   
      W. Hall            M.J. Kerr           J.F. Miller   
      R. Halliday        J. Kew              R. Miller   
      A. Hamilton        G. King             R. Miller   
      T. Hamilton        R. Kirsop           S.B.T. Miller
      H. Hancock         J.S. Knowles        A.B. Mitchell   
      J. Hannah          D. Knox             G.D. Mitchell   
      W. Hannah          W. Knox             H. Mitchell   
      W. Hardstaff       A. Kirkwood         T.S. Mitchell
      E. Hardy                               W. Mitchell         
      T. Hardy           J. Lalor            S. Mitcheson   
      R. Harper          G. Lambell          P. Moan   
      G.F. Harrison      W. Lambert          W. Moffet   
      G.E. Harvey        J. Langlands        T. Moffit      
      J. Harvey          J. Laven            E. Mole      
      W.R. Harvey        A.B. Laverick       W. Monaghan   
      W. Haswell         J. Lavin Senr.      R. Moore   
      W. Havery          J. Lavin            J.T. Morgan
      J.T. Haynes        A.A. Lawson         J. Morning      
      L.M. Hayton        J.W.B. Lawson       S. Morrison
      J. Hearns          A.S. Lee            G.L. Mortimer   
      G. Heatley         J.C. Lee            J.W. Morton   
      W. Heavysides      J.J. Lee            J. Mulgrove   
      G. Hedley          W. Legg             G. Munro   
      J.W. Henderson     T.W. Leighton       R.W. Munro   
      W. Hennessy        E. Lennox           D. Muras   
      J. Herd            E. Letchford        H.C. Murray   
      D. Herring         G. Lewins           J. Murray      
      R. Herring         F. Lewis            J.W. Murray   
      F. Hetherington    J. Lewis            C. MacDonald  
      J. Hetherington    J.E. Lingham        L. MacDougall   
      A. Hewitson        E.J. Lingwood       J. MacIntyre   
      H. Hibbert         W.R. Lingwood       F. McArthur   
      R.T. Hill          J. Livermore        T. McCartney 
      T. Hindess         J.T. Livermore      A. McConnell   
      H. Hobson          L. Loadman          J.McCreesh   
     Column 7            Column 8            Column 9           Column 10

      F. McCue           E. Proudfoot        J. Smart           A.A. Turnbull
      J. McCullock       G.J. Pryce          W. Smelling        J.D. Turnbull
      J. McDonald        J. Pyle             C. Smith           W. Turnbull
      J. McDonough                           H.E. Smith         J. Turner
      B.S. McElderry     J.F. Rafferty       J. Smith           J.R. Turner
      C. McElwee         A. Railton          J. Smith           J.S. Turner
      H. McFarlane       J. Ratcliff         J.F. Smith         R. Turner
      R. McFarlane       F. Rathbone         T. Smith           W. Turner
      J. McGee           J.L. Rawling        W. Smith           T. Twizell
      J. McGhee          C. Rechill          J. Snowdon         P. Tyrie
      L. McGoune         J.S. Redford        R. Snowdon         G.H. Underwood
      J. McGrady         J. Redhead          R. Snowdon         A. Waggott
      W. McGrath         J. Redshaw          W. Sowerby         J. Wales
      H. McGregor        T. Rennie           F.T. Sparks        A. Walker
      R.W. McGregor      T. Renwick          J.G. Sproat        H. Walker
      D. McGuggan        J. Richardson       A.D. Squire        H.B. Walker
      E. McGuggan        J.G. Richardson     J. Stafford        H.G. Walker
      S. McIntosh        B. Rigby            A. Stanners        R.W. Walker
      J. McKeen          J. Riordan          T. Stapylton       T.D. Walker
      T. McKever         G. Roberts          J.T. Starr         R.F. Wallace
      W. McLaughlin      J.M. Robertson      P. Steele          J.F. Wanless
      E.F. McLean        G. Robinson         W. Steele          T. Ward
      R. McLucas         J. Robinson         B. Stephenson      C. Wardle
      W. McMahon         J. Robinson         W.E. Stevens       W. Warren
      J.P. McMurran      J.R. Robinson       H. Stevenson       P. Waters
      A. McNally         R. Robinson         W.W.M. Stevenson   J.W. Waterson
      W. McNulty         R. Robinson         J. Stewart         J.O. Watson
      E. McQueen         F.W. Robson         J. Stobbard        J.O. Watson   
      P. McSweeney       J. Robson           W. Stonehouse      R. Watson
      J. McVey           J.R. Robson         W.J. Storey        R. Watson
      J. McWilliams      N. Robson           J. Stott           S. Watson
                         W.W. Robson         T. Strand          D. Watt
      E. Nance           J.G. Rossiter       J.J. Stubbs        F.G. Webb
      J. Nattrass        J.H. Routledge      F. Sumby           J. Webster
      T.W. Naylor        W. Rowe             M. Summerly        R.B. Webster
      G. Neale           F. Rowell           T. Summerly        J.W. Weldon
      G.T. Neill         G. Rowley           W.G. Surrey        T. Weltch
      A. Nelson          J. Rowley           S. Surtees         F.R. Wennington
      R. Nesbit          J.R. Rowley         M.W. Surtees       C.S. West
      T. Nesbit          E. Ruddick          J.R. Swan          S. West
      E.J. Nevatt        A. Ruse                                E. Westgarth
      R.L. Newman        J. Rutherford       G. Tait            L. White
      J. Nichol          W. Rutherford       J. Tait            W. White
      T. Nichol          J.E. Ryan           W.B. Talbot        A. Whitelaw
      J. Nicholson       H. Ryder            R. Tapper          A.E. Whitfield
      J. Nicholson       R. Ryle             T. Taylor          J. Wilkes
      W. Niven                               W. Taylor          A.W. Wilkie
      A. Noble           H. Sales            J. Tearse          A. Wilkinson
      O. Nowley          J. Sample           R.H. Thomas        J. Wilkinson
                         T. Sampy            A. Thompson        S.A.H. Wilkinson
      W. O’Brien         J. Samson           H. Thompson        T.C. Wilkinson
      J. O’Donnell       A.E. Sandilands     J.H. Thompson      F. Wilkinson
      J. Oliver          J. Sandilands       J.W. Thompson      F. Willcocks
      T. Ormston         W. Saybourn         R.K. Thompson      H. Williams
      T.H. Ormston       A.B. Sayer          R.S. Thompson      T.W. Williams
      T. Osselton        P.D. Scarth         T.E. Thompson      W. Williamson
      C.E. Ottiwell      M.V. Schweidelback  W. Thompson        W. Williamson
      J.R. Oxborough     C.W. Scott          W. Thompson        W. Williamson
      W. Oxley           D. Scott            A. Thomson         C.W. Wills
      T. Oxnard          J. Scott            E. Thornton        F.A. Wills
                         J. Scott            T. Thwaites        A. Wilson
      J. Palmer          J. H. Scott         A.P. Thynne        E. Wilson
      R. Park            W.W. Scott          R.O. Tiesdell      J.W. Wilson
      G. Parker          N. Scurr            T. Tiesdell        P. Wiseman
      L. Parker          J. Seed             G. Tindall         G.T. Wood
      D. Patterson       J. Shannon          E. Todd            J. Wood
      H. Patterson       F.C. Shaw           J. Todd            W.I. Wood
      J. Patterson       G.A. Shiel          O. Todd            J. Woodhouse
      J. Peacock         C.E. Shields        R.R. Todd          W. Wrangham
      G.A. Pennie        J. Shields          T.W. Todd          J. Wylie
      L.G. Phillips      J. Shortt           W. Todd            H.S. Wynter
      J.G. Piper         T. Simeson          W. Todd
      J.M. Plackett      G. Simmons          J. Tomlinson       L.E. Yarrow
      W.G. Pollard       E. Simpson          C. Tooke           R. Yeoman
      W.H. Potter        G.E. Simpson        J. Traill          D.A. Young
      J. Potts           P. Simpson          J. Trodden         E. Young
      J. Pow             W. Singleton        G.B. Tully         E.G. Young
      J.T. Pringle       J. Skellam          J.T. Tunstall      G. Young
      W.J. Pringle       W.J. Small          A. Turnbull        J.W. Young
                                                                W.E. Younghusband
   This Plaque Was Restored
   By and Is On Loan
   T. & C. Gustafson
   Eagle Joinery

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story