Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Plaque 1914-18 St. Paul





Original Location

St. Paul’s Church

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 19th November 1921 by the Earl of Durham, dedicated by the Bishop of Durham.

Memorial Description

Plaque 8 feet 6 inches high x 10 feet 6 inches wide, weight 2.75 tons, of classical design on a black pattress. Around the edge is a border of leaves. The panel is divided into four main columns by Gothic arches at the top of classical columns to look like arcading with figures at the top in the spaces between, and also down the sides. From bottom left and across the top and down to bottom right are depicted: (a) and (h) a soldier with bowed head resting on a reversed rifle, facing inwards; (b, i.e. top left) a female figure representing Peace; (c) and (f) crossed flags (e, i.e, centre top) St. George slaying the dragon; (g) a female figure representing Victory. At the centre bottom is a helmet resting on crossed rifles, with the quotation on either side. All carving is in half relief.

The names are in a single column in each of the panels in sans serif capitals.

Below is a plain rectangular plaque bearing the dedication, the lettering is in gilded sans serif capitals.

Materials used

Sicilian marble


To the glory of God and in sacred memory of / the above sailors and soldiers of this parish / who fell in action or died of wounds, disease and other causes / during the Great War 1914-1919
“Make them to be numbered with thy saints in glory everlasting”
Erected by the Parishioners and friends as a lasting memorial / of their bravery, patriotism and devotion to the Empire.
“The men were very good unto us / They were a wall unto us / and we were not hurt/ both by night and day” / I Sam.xxv 15-16
Who dies if England Live


Who commissioned

War Memorial Committee



How money was raised

Public subscription

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Designed by Rev. Edward J. Tayleur, F.S.A., T.D., Vicar of West Pelton and acting chaplain to the D.L.I.; made by J.W. Reed of Newcastle; carvings by Italian sculptor, del Bianco of Pietro Santa, Italy.

Ownership and maintenance

Handed over to the churchwardens at the unveiling.


1. West Pelton Co-op presented gold coins to 30 employees who had served.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Dorothy Hall; Simon Raine

Durham County Advertiser 25/11/1921

Darlington & Stockton Times 26/11/1921

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 21/11/1921 reports unveiling

Shields Daily News 24/11/1921

Chester-le-Street Chronicle 25/11/1921 reports unveiling.

Illustrated Chronicle 17/11/1921 reports proposed unveiling;

Northern Echo 21/11/1921 reports unveiling.

Consett and Stanley Chronicle 25/11/1921 reports unveiling.

Stanley and Chester-le-Street News 24/11/1921 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 26/11/1921 reports unveiling.

St.Paul’s Church West Pelton 1870-1980; Christine Stephenson, 1980

Sources of quotations
“Make them to be numbered with . . .” From Te Deum Laudamus (We praise thee, O God).
“The men were very good unto us . . . .” I Sam.xxv 15-16;
“Who dies if England live?” For all we have and are Rudyard Kipling.

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Dorothy Hall; Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1914-18 St. Paul (W112.01)

WEST PELTON   St. Paul’s Church

Column 1            Column 2

     T. Abell        J. Gray          
     J. Armin        W. Gray          
     W. Ashmore      J. Griffin       
     W. Baines       T. Grundy        
     J. Armstrong    J. Haddon        
     R. Armstrong    R.M. Griffiths   
     T. Bamborough   J.T. Grindle     
     C. Barnes       J. Hall          
     G. Barton       J.O. Hall        
     A.B. Battensby  T. Hall          
     H. Best         J. Hardy         
     J.R. Bird       H.A. Harm        
     B. Bowen        T. Harm          
     A. Bracey       R. Harris        
     J. Brown        J. Harrold       
     W. Brown        R. Hayes         
     G.W. Budd       R.L. Henderson   
     W.L. Butler     T. Hewison       
     G.W. Carlton    T. Hodgson       
     J. Carlton      W. Huggup        
     J. Carr         J.W. Hussey      
     J. Carrick      T. Hutchinson    
     A. Chambers     G.W. Hutton      
     J. Clasper      J.S. Ivey        
     G. Coe          T. Jackson       
     R. Dargue       R. Jacques       
     S. Davison      T. James         
     D. Dodd         H. Jobson        
     W. Dodd         W. Johnson       
     H. Dodds        A. Kennedy       
     D. Douglas      A. Kerr          
     T.R. Dryden     R.G. King        
     R. Elgie        W.T. Kingston    
     J. Ellis        A.S. Kirkbride   
     J. Emmerson     R. Lee           
     J.B. English    F. Leonard       
     R. Ferguson     W. Lewis         
     G. Franklin     J.S.M. Little    
     D. Freeman      R. Little        
     T.W. French     T.M. Little      
     J. Gardner      A. Long          
     E. Goodwin      T. Longstaffe    
     M.G. Gowland    P. Lumley        
     W. Gowland      W. Mackey        
Column 3            Column 4


     G. Martin       T. Scougal
     J.R. Mains      J. Severs
     G.W. Mains      R. Shaw
     G. Maitland     H.R. Simpson
     J. Marwood      J. Skillcorn
     T. McDermott    S. Smiley
     W. McLean       A. Smith
     T.W. Michael    R. Smith
     T. Middlemas    F.L. Stephenson
     J.G. Mills      A. Stevenson
     H.S. Mole       J. Stevenson
     R.C. Mole       G.R. Stirman
     T.W. Mortimer   S.E. Stockburn
     J. Newman       W. Surtees
     J. Nicholson    J.T. Tarn
     T.D. Nicholson  G.E. Taylor
     W.F. Nicholson  T. Taylor
     A. Noble        H. Theobald
     A.J. Parker     H. Thompson
     W.C.R. Parsons  J.E. Thompson
     T. Pascoe       R. Thompson
     C.E. Peacock    T. Thompson
     R. Peacock      T. Tinkler
     M. Pearson      J. Tiplady
     W. Phillips     J. Traynor
     J. Pickering    R. Trotter
     A. Pinkney      H. Turnbull
     F. Proctor      L. Turnbull
     G.R. Quigley    J. Turner
     J.E. Ratcliffe  I. Varty
     W. Ratcliffe    T.T. Vickers
     R. Richardson   P. Ward
     R. Riddell      W. Waugh
     B. Ridley       R. Wears
     J.E. Ridley     G. Weddell
     J. Robinson     J.T. White
     J.G. Robinson   W. Wilkinson
     G. Robson       T. Winter
     J.W. Rowley     R. Wishart
     W. Rutherford   J. Wood
     F. Ryan         F. Woodhaugh
     H. Salkeld
     T. Salkeld
     J. Sands
At foot:

      “The men were very good unto us   They were a wall unto us
     and we were not hurt               both by night and day”
                                        I Sam.xxv 15-16
Carved into lower frame

     Who dies if England Live
On plaque below

     A.D.      To the glory of God and in sacred memory of      1921
     the above sailors and soldiers of this parish
     who fell in action or died of wounds, disease and other causes
     during the Great War 1914-1919
     “Make them to be numbered with thy saints in glory everlasting”
     Erected by the Parishioners and friends as a lasting memorial
     of their bravery, patriotism and devotion to the Empire.
                                        Edward J. Tayleur
                                        Ralph Gray
                                        William Storey

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story