Memorial Details

Photo: James Pasby


Altar 1914-18 St. Joseph R.C.





Original Location

St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church

Which war


Memorial Description

Side apsidal altar carrying statues, crucifixes, etc. A brass plaque with rounded top 87.5cm high x 50cm wide x 2cm thick built into an oak frame surround occupies the left hand side of the altar.
On either side of the plaque an angel bearing palm branches has been carved and raised in half relief. On the plaque itself are three red enamelled crosses, one at the top of the plaque, one below the inscription and the third below the names. The names are listed in three columns using lower case Roman lettering.

Materials used

Brass plaque


Pray for the Souls of / The members of this Parish / who lost their lives in the war 1914-1919. / This Altar was erected by the Congregation / to perpetuate their memory / (Names).
At base of plate
On whose souls sweet Jesus have mercy


Present condition

Although the memorial is in relatively good condition, there are cracks appearing in the wooden screens, which will need extensive repairs if not acted upon soon.


1. “The congregation of St. Joseph’s R.C. Church, Stanley, has decided to erect a tower at the west end of the church in memory of fallen members. Generous promises of subscriptions have been made, and over £100 has been received by the treasurer of the memorial fund”.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Errol Broomfield, Ron Carson; James Pasby

Northern Echo 07/02/1919 reports proposal to build a tower.

Wearside Catholic News 10/05/1919 reports that £450 has been raised for the erection of a tower.

The Monumental Brasses of County Durham William Lack, H. Martin Stuchfield and Philip Whittemore 2002 ISBN 095 4327101

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Errol Broomfield; Ron Carson; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Altar 1914-18 St. Joseph R.C. (S135.03)

STANLEY   St. Joseph’s R.C. Church


   1914-1919  Pray for the Souls
   The members of this Parish
   who lost their lives in the war  1914-1919.
   This Altar was erected by the Congregation
   to perpetuate the memory of
   Patrick Bell        James Harrison      John George Morris
   John Blake          Michael Harrold     James Moyser
   James Bowes         Michael Hastings    Daniel Mullen
   Philip Bowes        Joseph Hawthorn     John Mulligan
   James Bradley       Andrew Henderson    Thomas Murphy
   John Bradley        Joseph Herron       George Nash
   Patrick Brennan     Matthew Hinnigan    James Newman
   John Brinton        Eric Horner         Martin O’Neill
   John Brophy         Patrick Hughes      Edward Ormston
   Ernest Brydon       Thomas Jennings     James Payne
   James Carr          Michael Joice       Jacob Quinn
   Joseph Caulfield    Francis Keegan      John Joseph Rafferty
   Peter Caveny        John Keegan         John Reilly
   Edward Coleman      John Kelly          William Reilly
   Robert Collins      Hugh Kilty          Joseph Robinson
   Michael Connor      Edward King         William Robinson
   Patrick Convey      Michael Leonard     John Routledge
   John Cook           Thomas Liddle       Joseph Sloan
   William Cook        Michael Linskey     Thomas Smith
   Andrew Corbett      John Lister         Edward Starrs
   Stephen Coyle       James Lockey        Hugh Thompson
   Augustine Crane     William Lynch       Wilfred Tierney
   Edward Crawford     Francis Marron      Alexander Tillet
   Charles Crossey     Francis Marshall    James Traynor
   Thomas Devine       Edward Masterson    Antonio Vincente
   Robert Donald       Francis Masterson   Andrew Walsh
   James William Duffy James McAlister     Thomas Watson
   Matthias Duffy      Owen McAndrew       John Whitney
   Peter Duffy         John McCann         Septimus Whitney
   Thomas Duffy        Patrick McCue       Albert Young
   James Durkin        Peter McDermott     Roger McGuire
   John Ellis          Hugh McDonald       John McEnaney
   Myles Farrell       Thomas McGlen
   William Firman      James McGuire
   Joseph Gibbon       John McGuire
   Peter Gillespie     Joseph McGuire
   Francis Clover      Francis McHugh
   Peter Goggins       Francis McKeown
   Arthur Hands        Edward McNeill
   Hugh Haney          Patrick McVey

   On whose souls sweet Jesus have mercy

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story