Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
NEWMP Memorial Image


Book of Remembrance 1914-18 Town Hall





Map ref


Original Location

Town Hall, High Street, DL16 6DG

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled Sunday October 15th 1922.

Memorial Description

Book of Remembrance 9 inches high x 6 inches wide bound in dark paper. There are 18 printed pages

Materials used



Spennymoor Urban District.War Memorial / A Book of Remembrance / 1914-1919
"Those who with fame eternal their own dear / land endowed / Took on them as a mantle the shade of death's / dark cloud; / Yet dying thus they died not, on whom is glory shed / By virtue which exalts them above all other dead." -Sir Rennell Rodd


Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Unveiling programme

Source of quotation
“Those who with fame eternal . . .” Sir Rennell Rodd, source Not ascertained.

External web link

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

C. Sanders

Research In Progress

Jim and John Grainger are creating an archive of information about each person named on the local War Memorials and would like to hear from anyone with stories, photographs or memorabilia. Contact:-

Book of Remembrance 1914-18 Town Hall (S131.11)

Front cover

   Spennymoor Urban District
   1914 - 1919
Fly leaf:

   "Those who with fame eternal their own dear
    land endowed
    Took on them as a mantle the shade of death's
    dark cloud;
    Yet dying thus they died not, on whom is glory shed
    By virtue which exalts them above all other dead."
                                     -Sir Rennell Rodd
Page 1


   The exact number of men from the
   Urban District of Spennymoor who
   served in the Great War is not accur-
   ately known, but the roll of the dead
   is abundant testimony of the magni-
   ficent response they made to the
   Nation's call. The names of 360 men, 
   whose bodies lie wherever fighting
   took place, are inscribed on the panels
   of the Memorial erected to their immortal memory by the
   people of the district in which they dwelt.
   The task of compiling this list has not been light, but
   the War Memorial Committee have spared no effort to ensure
   that it is accurate and complete.
   The site on which the monument is erected was given
   by the Weardale Steel, Coal and Coke Company, Limited, 
   whose generous help in this and in other directions, the
   Committee, on behalf of the people of the Urban District, 
   desire to acknowledge. They consider it very appropriate
   that the task of unveiling the Memorial should be entrusted
   to J.H.B. Forster, Esq, J.P, the Managing Director of the
   The Memorial was designed by E.C. Kenmir, Esq, of
   Spennymoor, who has also acted as Honorary Architect.
   The design has been carried out in Greenlaw stone by Messrs.
   Lowes & Sons, Ltd, Durham.
   The Committee further desire to record in this book the
   names of two women and fifty-six men who gained 
   distinctions in the War.
   T.WARD, J.P, Chairman of the
   War Memorial Committee.
   F.E.HAMILTON, Hon. Sec.
   J.WHITE, Hon. Treasurer.
Page 2

   Hereafter are inscribed the names
   of those men from the Urban District
   of Spennymoor, who, obeying a mag-
   nificent instinct, went forth in perfect
   simplicity to fight and die for a great
   ideal. "In the hot-fit of life, a tip-
   toe on the highest point of being, they
   passed at a bound to the other side." Their bodies lie on
   foreign soil, hallowed by their Sacrifice, their memories
   dwell for ever in our hearts, and the monument that has
   this day been unveiled in our Market Place will inspire us
   to hold our heads high and look fearlessly into the future
   remembering that, in the hour of trial, the men whom we
   knew and believed in, were not found wanting and turned not
   back in the day of battle. We cannot fail them. The burden
   they laid down we must take up, and so strive that the
   wounds of war may be healed, and peace and goodwill dwell
   once more among the nations.
Page 3
   I. Abley        14 June 1918   M. Boyle          27 Feb. 1918 
   S. Abley        28 Nov. 1918   W. Brabban        23 Aug. 1917 
   F.W. Adams      15 Oct. 1917   W. Bracegirdle    10 May  1915 
   B. Alderson     17 Aug. 1916   Arthur Bradley    30 Sep. ‘16 
   G. Alderson     20 July 1916   Austin Bradley    1 Mar. 1917 
   M. Alderson     28 May  1918   J.W. Broadley     1 July 1916 
   E.W. Anderson   15 July 1916   M.H. Broadley     13 Apl. 1918 
   F. Anderson     26 Sept. 1917  J. Brooks         22 Mar. 1915 
   J. Anderson     21 Aug. 1918   C.H. Broome       23 July 1918 
   T. Anderson     24 Sep. 1916   A. Brown          7 Aug. 1917 
   W. Angus        12 Feb. 1916   G. Brown          25 Mar. 1918 
   J. Armstrong    1 Oct. 1916    G.W. Brown        20 Nov. 1917 
   C. Bainbridge   15 Oct. 1916   J. Brown          9 Aug. 1915 
   R.E. Bainbridge 25 Sep. 1918   W. Brown          22 July 1916 
   T. Bainbridge   26 Mar. 1918   W. Brown          10 June  1917 
   W. Baines       26 Mar. 1918   W.H. Brown        19 July 1918 
   W. Baker        21 Sep. 1917   W.L.G. Brown      12 Sep. 1918 
   D. Ballantyne   1 Dec. 1916    F. Brunskill      31 July 1917 
   W. Bamlett      2 Sep. 1915    N. Bulmer         25 Mar. 1918 
   W. Banks        1 May  1917    W. Bulmer         15 Nov. 1916 
   J. Bannister    21 Jan. 1916   H. Bundy          31 Dec. 1916 
   C. Barker       7 Oct. 1916    E. Burke          25 May  1915 
   T. Barlow       29 Sep. 1916   W. Burns          8 Apl. 1917 
   H. Barrass      10 May  1917   J. Burton         2 July 1916 
   J. Barrett      1 July 1916    A.J.T. Bussey     27 May  1918 
   G. Beal         17 Aug. 1917   F.T. Butterfield  15 Sep. ‘16 
   J.G. Bell       19 Aug. 1916   J. Cadman         13 Nov. 1916 
   J.S. Bell       1 July 1916    E. Cameron        3 June  1916 
   N. Benson       1 May  1917    A. Campbell       18 Aug. 1917 
   H. Bethell      25 Oct. 1918   J.F. Cheesewright 29 Nov. ‘17 
   T. Bishop       7 July 1916    J. Clarke         25 May  1915 
   W.G. Blackbourne               T. Claughan       11 May  1917 
                   5 Aug. 1917    W.H. Close        15 Sep. 1916 
   F. Blackett     27 May  1918   J.R. Cockfield    31 July 1917 
   J. Blackett     27 Sep. 1917   T. Conn           16 Aug. 1916 
   W. Blackmore    5 Mar. 1917    G.T. Cook         27 Sep. 1918 
   T. Blair        18 Sep. 1918   W. Cooper         30 Sep. 1918 
   J.T. Blenkin    11 Nov. 1918   A. Corbett        15 Jan. 1919 
   W.H. Blood      22 Aug. 1915   R. Cornish        1 July 1916 
   J. Boden        6 Feb. 1916    W. Coulthard      27 May  1918 
   J. Bonson       23 June  1917  J. Cowens         16 Aug. 1916 
   A.E. Bottoms    28 Feb. 1919   A. Cowley         1 July 1917 
   W.E. Bowman     28 Mar. 1918   H. Craddock       20 Sep. 1917
Page 4
   B. Craig        25 Mar. 1918   A. Gibson         26 Apl. 1918
   W.A. Craig      27 July 1916   T.A. Goundry      16 Feb. 1918.
   J. Cross        13 Oct. 1918   B.R. Graham       18 Nov. 1916
   F.W. Cummins    3 July 1915    G. Graham         9 Oct. 1917
   C.D. Cummings   23 Mar. 1918   J. Grainger       10 Aug. 1917
   J. Cummings     16 June  1917  N. Gray           27 May  1918
   J. Cunningham   25 Oct. 1916   G. Green          26 Oct. 1917
   J.H. Curle      31 Mar. 1916   A. Greenwood      27 May  1918
   G.E. Curry      10 June  1918  R. Greenwood      15 May  1915
   F. Dalkin       6 Aug. 1916    R. Greig          7 Oct. 1918
   J.T. Davies     7 June  1917   A. Hall           12 Sep. 1916
   W. Davies       19 June  1916  C. Hamer          1 Oct. 1916
   J. Davison      12 Apl. 1918   H.E. Hamilton     20 Aug. 1917
   J.R. Davison    13 Feb. 1916   J.G. Hamilton     14 Aug. 1915
   T. Dixon        3 Mar. 1917    G.H. Hardy        1 July 1916
   J.H. Dodds      8 June  1917   B.G. Harker       24 Oct. 1918
   J.R. Dodds      24 Aug. 1918   W. Harland        16 June  1917
   J.L. Dodshon    1 Mar. 1916    H. Hart           22 Mar. 1918
   G.W. Dowson     1 July 1916    T. Hartley        6 June  1917
   J.W. Draycott   15 Sep. 1916   B. Harwood        21 Mar. 1918
   G. Dunn         22 Apl. 1917   N. Henderson      20 July 1917
   R.G. Dunn       21 Nov. 1918   T.O. Herring      25 July 1916
   W. Ebden        27 Sep. 1916   B. Hetherington   6 July ‘19
   Rd. Edwards     12 Mar. 1916   L.H. Hewick       21 Sep. 1914
   Rt. Edwards     7 Aug. 1916    T. Hindmarch      21 Mar. 1918
   J. Egglestone   29 Jan. 1916   T. Hodgins        5 Feb. 1917
   T. Egglestone   13 Oct. 1916   J.R. Hodgson      5 Dec. 1916
   E. Eldrett      6 June  1915   T. Hodgson        18 Sep. 1916
   J. Elliot       4 Apl. 1918    R. Holland        17 Dec. 1917
   C. Ellis        18 Sep. 1916   W. Hood           3 July 1916
   F. Elves        16 Aug. 1916   F.W. Hopper       16 Jan. 1918
   R. Elves        27 May  1918   T. Houston        21 Oct. 1918
   S. Elves        4 Aug. 1916    S. Howard         1 Nov. 1918
   R.H. English    16 Sep. 1916   H.D. Howe         22 Aug. 1918
   J.H. Evans      9 Apl. 1917    R. Howe           16 Sep. 1916
   E. Farthing     24 Mar. 1918   J.H. Hughes       2 July 1916
   F.N. Featherstone              G.P. Hunter       17 Sep. 1916
                   26 Apl. 1918   E. Hutchinson     4 June  1915
   J. Finley       1 June  1916   G.W. Hutchinson   11 Oct. ‘16
   T. Forrest      12 Apl. 1918   R. Hutchinson     3 Nov. 1918
   E. Foster       6 Sep. 1918    J.H. Ingram       3 Dec. 1917
   J.J. Foxcroft   30 Sep. 1916   J. Jackson        31 Dec. 1917
   J. French       18 May  1915   R. Jackson        24 Aug. 1916
   R. Garbutt      13 May  1918   F. James          31 July 1917
   H. Gardener     22 Aug. 1915   J. Jefferson      4 Oct. 1917
   J. Gash         4 Nov. 1916    P. Johnson        17 Apl. 1915
   Geo. Gee        26 Apl. 1915   T. Johnson        9 Aug. 1915
Page 5
   J. Jones        4 Dec. 1917    E. Nelson         17 July 1918 
   J.E. Jones      4 Nov. 1918    J. Nichol         18 Sep. 1918 
   Rt. Jones       18 July 1916   A. Nichols        12 Apl. 1916 
   R. Jones        26 Sep. 1918   W.H. Northcote    28 Sep. 1916 
   S.G. Jones      27 June  1917  J.W. O’Hara       27 Oct. 1918 
   T.H. Jones      26 Mar. 1918   P. O’Neil         15 Aug. 1915 
   W. Jones        4 Nov. 1915    W. O’Neil         23 Apl. 1916 
   C.R. Keirl      10 Feb. 1919   A.W. Orton        22 Jan. 1917 
   J.W. Keirl      2 Nov. 1918    J.A. Osguthorpe   31 May  ‘16 
   G.H. Kendall    23 Apl. 1917   J.R. Parrott      13 Sep. 1916 
   F. Kenmir       15 Jan. 1917   H. Parry          17 July 1916 
   A.T. Kitching   5 Apl. 1918    T. Pattison       29 Oct. 1915 
   G. Knaggs       26 Dec. 1916   J.E. Payne        13 Aug. 1916 
   R. Langley      14 Sep. 1918   A. Pearce         24 Apl. 1917 
   H. Lawson       24 Oct. 1918   F. Perry          10 Apl. 1917 
   P.F. Lawson     6 July 1916    J. Perry          15 Dec. 1917 
   W. Lawson       14 Dec. 1917   J.H. Perry        15 Feb. 1916 
   G.W. Layton     16 Mar. 1916   J. Petch          27 Apl. 1918 
   R. Lidster      3 July 1916    T.P. Phillips     28 Mar. 1918 
   J. Linsley      10 July 1916   E. Pickering      26 Apl. 1915 
   W.H. Linsley    3 Oct. 1918    E.E. Pigg         20 Nov. 1918 
   C.S. Littley    11 Aug. 1917   A.C. Plews        19 Apl. 1918 
   J. Littley      17 Jan. 1916   J.W. Pope         10 Apl. 1917 
   J. Livett       27 Oct. 1917   J.T. Powell       26 Sep. 1915 
   F. Lodge        24 Feb. 1917   R.R. Pratt        11 Aug. 1916 
   J. Lowe         6 July 1916    F. Prest          21 Aug. 1918 
   R.R. Lowery     23 Apl. 1918   J. Procter        13 Nov. 1916 
   J.W. Lumsden    26 Nov. 1915   J. Raitt          27 May  1918 
   J.G. Lunn       23 Apl. 1917   T.W. Raitt        24 Oct. 1918 
   J. Malloy       5 Aug. 1915    E. Ramage         23 Aug. 1915 
   J.W. Malpas     8 Mar. 1918    W.F. Randall      22 Feb. 1916 
   J.V. Martin     25 Nov. 1918   E. Reeves         7 Sep. 1917 
   W.H. Maughan    2 Oct. 1916    H.L. Rex          21 Mar. 1918 
   J. McAdam       23 Apl. 1917   J. Rhodes         5 May  1917 
   J. McCormack    27 Aug. 1916   E.W. Rhymer       8 Oct. 1917 
   T. McCrone      1 Apl. 1918    H. Richardson     7 Nov. 1917 
   L. McGowan      21 Sep. 1918   T. Richardson     2 Oct. 1916 
   C. McKenzie     2 Jan. 1918    J. Richmond       7 June  1917 
   J.L. Mercer     22 Apl. 1917   T. Rivers         4 Nov. 1918 
   E. Metcalfe     26 May  1915   T.N. Robinson     25 Sep. 1916 
   J. M’Gahan      27 July 1917   P. Rocks          27 Sep. 1915 
   A. Miller       2 Oct. 1917    T.F. Roper        22 June  1917 
   G.B. Miller     25 July 1915   J. Rose           21 Nov. 1914 
   J.W. Moan       18 Sep. 1916   W. Roseman        27 Sep. 1915 
   E. Moore        19 May  1918   J. Ryan           1 Oct. 1918
   R. Mortimer     3 Aug. 1917    J. Ryder          2 Aug. 1916 
   A.G. Naisbitt   27 Oct. 1918   R. Ryder          26 Mar. 1918
Page 6
   C. Sanderson    18 June  1917  B. Wardle         17 Sep. 1915
   W. Sanderson    19 Oct. 1917   J. Waters         22 Aug. 1917
   W. Scotson      20 Mar. 1918   R. Waters         23 July 1916
   J.G. Seymour    4 Sep. 1918    J. Waterson       31 July 1918
   A.D. Sharp      24 Sep. 1918   J. Watson         30 July 1916.
   J.W. Simpson    4 June  1916   C. Waugh          10 Apl. 1918
   J. Sinclair     1 Jan. 1917    N. Waugh          5 July 1917
   G.E. Smith      9 Nov. 1916    F. Weldon         3 Nov. 1914
   P.B. Smith      20 July 1916   A.H. Welford      22 Mar. 1918
   P.A. Snow       1 July 1916    R.B. Welford      7 June  1916
   F.W. Snowball   4 May  1917    Jas. Welsh        21 Sep. 1917
   J. Snowball     30 Sept,1916   Jas. Welsh        28 Mar. 1918
   T. Snowball     7 Nov. 1918    John Welsh        5 July 1915
   A. Spence       13 Aug. 1918   T.A. Welsh        1 Oct. 1916
   J.W. Stephenson 9 Apl. 1917    M. West           24 July 1916
   G. Stones       25 Sep. 1917   R.W. Wheatley     22 Aug. 1915
   A. Stott        23 Apl. 1917   C. White          16 June  1917
   R. Stott        1 May  1916    G.P. White        23 Aug. 1916
   A. Stout        27 Nov. 1918   J. White          22 Aug. 1915
   R.S. Strathern  12 Feb. 1918   J.D. White        8 July 1916
   H. Stuart       3 May  1916    J.T. White        1 Oct. 1916
   R. Sugden       24 Dec. 1916   W. White          13 Nov. 1916
   R.D. Telfer     5 June  1918   D. Whitehead      21 Nov. 1916
   B. Thomas       28 Oct. 1918   C. Whitehouse     25 Oct. 1918
   J. Thomas       18 July 1916   S. Wiggington     25 Mar. 1917
   T. Thomas       25 July 1915   J.J. Wigham       31 July 1917
   W. Thompson     26 Mar. 1918   J. Wilkin         5 Sep. 1916
   A.C. Tighe      28 Sep. 1918   G. Wilkinson      18 May  1915
   S.A. Tolmie     28 Sep. 1916   J.W. Wilkinson    9 Sep. 1918
   G.F. Tomlinson  26 Sep. 1915   R. Wilkinson      13 Feb. 1916
   R. Turnbull     1 Oct. 1916    E.W. Williams     21 Feb. 1919
   R. Tweddle      7 Apl. 1918    F.J.H. Williams   20 July 1918
   B. Varvill      7 Nov. 1917    H. Williams       2 Dec. 1918
   A.W. Verrell    15 Nov. 1917   J. Williams       11 Aug. 1917
   M. Vickerstaff  6 Jan. 1916    R.C. Willis       4 Aug. 1916
   R. Vickerstaff  7 June  1918   C.T. Wilson       27 May  1918
   J.H. Walker     31 July 1917   E.J. Wilson       16 July 1916
   J. Wallace      23 Apl. 1917   J. Wilson         16 Sep. 1915
   E.H. Walls      19 Apl. 1918   W. Wilson         6 Dec. 1915
   A. Walsh        5 Nov. 1916    J.J. Winde        8 Oct. 1918
   A.R. Walters    5 Nov. 1916    G.E. Wood         4 Sep. 1917
   W. Walton       26 July 1915   J.M. Woodhall     5 July 1916
   J. Ward         25 Sep. 1916   M. Woodhall       16 May  1918
   W.L. Ward       17 Jan. 1917   W. Young          14 July 1916
   "Conquer ye by living as we have conquered
   by dying."
Page 7

   Nurse Elsdon          Medical Service      R.R.C.  
   Nurse Maxey           Medical Service      R.R.C, M.M.
   Pte. E. Airey         R.A.M.C.             M.M.
   Pte. L. Allport       K.O.Y.L.I.           M.M.
   Pte. C. Barker        2nd Bn Yorks Regt    M.M.
   Pte. J. Batey         The Durham L.I.      D.C.M. 
   Pte. G. Bews          The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   L/Cpl. T. Blair       The Durham L.I.      D.C.M. 
   Cpl. B. Bott          R.A.M.C.             M.M.
   Sergt. J. Carney      The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Pte. G. Carr          The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Sgt.-Inst. T. Clough  The Durham L.I.      M.S.M. the Italian 
                                              Croix de Guerre 
   Sergt. H. Cradock     The Durham L.I.      D.C.M. 
   Pte. W. Davies        Northumberland Fus.  M.M.
   Pte. E. Dodshon       The Durham L.I.      Certificate 
   Cpl. W. Fenwick       The Durham L.I.      D.C.M. the Italian 
                                              Croix de Guerre 
   Pte. G. Ferguson      Northumberland Fus.  M.M.
   Sergt. T. Fitzpatrick The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Sergt. G. Galley      R.A.M.C.             Certificate 
   Pte. A. Greenwell     The Durham L.I.      M.M. 
   A.B. W. Hamer         RN                   Certificate 
   Pte. W. Hamilton      The Durham L.I.      M.S.M 
   Pte. W. Harper        The Durham L.I.      D.C.M. 
   Pte. A. Healey        The Durham L.I       Italian Croix de Guerre 
   Q.M.S. T. Hodgson     K.R.R.               M.S.M Twice 
                                              Mentioned in Despatches 
   C.S.M. R. Holland     The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Sergt. O. Hughes      Northumberland Fus.  M.M.
   Sergt. T. Hughes      Northumberland Fus.  M.M.
Page 8

   Gnr. E. Hutchinson    R.F.A.               M.M.  
   Gnr. W. Hutchinson    R.F.A.               D.C.M.
   Cpl. A. Ingleby       Northumberland Fus.  M.M.
   Pte. J. Jefferson     The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Pte. J. Jenkins       T.M.B.               M.M.
   Pte. W. Jobling       The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Pte. D. Kelsey        R.A.M.C.             M.M.
   Sgt. R.R. Lowery      The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Gnr. R. Lowson        R.F.A.               M.M. 
   Pte. B. McLinden      The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   C.S.M. C. Miller      The Durham L.I.      D.C.M.
   C.S.M. J.W. O'Hara    The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Pte. H. Pattison      The Durham L.I.      D.C.M.
   Pte. T. Phoenix       R.A.M.C.             M.M.
   Sgt. T. Phillipson    The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Gnr. J.H. Pinkney     R.F.A.               M.M.
   Sergt. R.R. Pratt     West Yorks Regt      D.C.M.
   Lieut. Raine          R.A.M.C.             M.C.
   Cpl. J.J. Robinson    The Durham L.I.      D.C.M. Russian 
                                              Croix de Guerre
   R.S.M. J. Taylor      The Durham L.I.      M.C. M.S.M.
   2nd Lieut. E. Troupe  Lincolnshire Regt    M.C.
   Pte. W. Turnbull      The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Sergt. A.L. Walters   The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Capt. T. Welch        The Durham L.I.      MC Twice Mentioned
                                              In Despatches
   Pte. J.J. Wigham      Yorks Regt           M.M. 
   Pte. T. Wilkes        RE                   M.M.
   Sgt. E. Wilkinson     The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Pte. J.E. Wilkinson   East Yorks Regt      M.M.
   Cpl. C.T. Wilson      The Durham L.I.      M.M.
   Cpl. F. Wood          The Durham L.I.      Italian Croix de Guerre

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story