Memorial Details


Book of Service 1914-18 Municipal High School





Map ref

NZ 347689

Original Location

Tynemouth Municipal High School, Hawkey’s Lane / Queen Alexandra Road West.

Present Location

The building is now Adult Education Centre, Tyne Metropolitan College

Which war


Memorial Description

Book, "Record of Service in the Great War 1914-19".
It lists the Governors of the School; there is a preface from the Chairman of the Governors; A Tribute to "Our Boys"; a statement by the Vice-Chairman of the Education Committee; a letter from the Vicar of Tynemouth.
Then follows the School's Record in the Great War inc. fund raising; a list of Masters who served. Finally, there is a Roll of Honour listing each pupil who served, together with a short summary of service, and with photographs of those who were killed.


Who commissioned

The School.


Paid for by the Governors. On the back page is the notice "By the private generosity of the Governors of the School, a copy of this "Record" is presented to each Master and Old Boy who served, and also to the relatives of Old Boys who fell in the War.


1. This book was given free to all who served and to the families of those who fell. There were to be a few left over for sale but the plates had to be taken off the printing machine, so no more were available.

2. The correct name of this vessel should be 'ARACARI' - the compilers of North Shields Municipal High School Book of Service (North Shields N34.48) made an error and the entry has been transcribed as is. See our Shipping Lists for further details.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Whitley Bay Observer 20/02/1920 reports proposals; 23/07/1920 reports issue

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

North Tyneside Local Studies; Tony Harding; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

The names on the North Shields memorials are being researched by the Tynemouth WW1 group. Contact

Book of Service 1914-18 Municipal High School (N34.48)

NORTH SHIELDS	  Tynemouth Municipal High School 


   Tynemouth Municipal High School.
   Founded 1904.

   (Tynemouth Coat of Arms)

   Record of Service
   in the
   Great War, 1914-19
   Pro Patria et Schola.
Page 1

   Governors of the School.

   Chairman                                Rev. R.E. Holmes, M.A.
   The Mayor (Coun. Wm. Hutchinson, J.P.)  Mr. Coun. A.B. Plummer, J.P.
   Mr. Ald. Isaac Black, J.P.              Mr. Coun. G.J. Rowe, J.P.
   Mr. Ald. William Murray, J.P., O.B.E.   Mr. Coun. William Steele, J.P.
   Coun. Dame Burnett, D.B.E.              Dan Gray, Esq.
   Mr. Coun. William Gibson.               Wilfred Hall, Esq.
   Mr. Coun. Alfred E. Hill, B.A.          Rev. J. Kinleside.
   Mr. Coun. Middleton                     Miss G. Messent.
                                           Rev. Samuel Pearson. 
   Secretary to the Governors                           S. Oldroyd, Esq.
Page 2

   From the Rev. Canon Crawhall, M.A., D.S.O.
   Chairman of the Governors, 1905-13.

   From the Rev. Canon Crawhall, M.A., D.S.O.
   Chairman of the Governors, 1905-13.
   Tradition plays a very great part in our Nation’s Life and in those of its Institutions.        
      Normally, Tradition grows with age. Tynemouth Municipal High School is
   young, only opened in 1904 – but even now has its tradition – noble tradition! 
      Have not many youths, who found there their Educational home, fought in the
   hideous and devastating European War of 1914-19?
      Have not sixty-nine laid down their lives for King and Country? Sorrow touches
   us at their loss; pride holds us by their example! These War Memorials express our
   sorrow and testify our pride.
      What the future has in store for us, no one knows, but one thing is certain: those
   who shall pass the portals of this School, or assemble in its Great Hall, will have ever  
   recorded before their eyes the gallant response of former Scholars to the National Need               
   of their time; they will be quickened to duty by their example; they will be tried and
   not found wanting.

                    Thomas L. Crawhall
Page 3

   A Tribute to “Our Boys.”
   From Alderman Isaac Black, J.P.

    “Blow out, you bugles, over the rich dead!
   There’s none of these so lonely, and poor of old,
   But, dying, has made us rarer gifts that gold.
   These laid the world away; poured out the red
   Sweet wine of youth; gave up the years to be
   Of work and joy, and that unhoped serene,
   That men call age; and those who would have been
   Their sons, they gave, their immortality.”

      Rupert Brooke’s beautiful words seem to me to be singularly appropriate in a
   volume of this kind, designed as it has been to commemorate the Nobility, the
   Gallantry, and the undying Heroism of the Old Boys of the Tynemouth Municipal High
   School, who so readily responded to their country’s call in her hour of dire need. Many
   of those boys have, in the picturesque language of the army, “gone west,” but the
   memory of their sacrifice will ever remain as an inspiration and an incentive to
   unselfish and patriotic service to the country we love, and to mankind.
      To those bereaved there is consolation in the thought that the boys they loved
   sacrificed themselves cheerfully in the cause of Freedom and Right. Their names 
   shall live, though they are no longer with us.

    “If I should die, think only this of me:
   That there’s some corner of a foreign field
   That is for ever England . . .”

                              Isaac Black
                              Chairman, Borough of Tynemouth
                              Education Committee.
Page 4

   From the Rev. Samuel Pearson,
   Vice-Chairman of the Education Committee.


      As we read their names and look upon the row of boyish faces, given in this Memorial
   volume, the faces of those who were wont to pass through the gates of our school, so
   buoyant and glad, so radiant with promise for the future, we cannot but think of the toll
   of young, incomplete lives which has been taken by this war. And these bur examples
   of the thousands and thousands who have fallen in the ranks. The pathos of it all!
   What does it mean? we cry. To what purpose is this waste? It is impossible not to
   ask such questions, and it is impossible to answer them with full knowledge, for the ulti-
   mate secret of the universe is beyond our reach. But can we really think of all this young
   life as wasted? There is a great deal of so called waste, no doubt, in the universe, and
   there is a sense in which human life may be apparently wasted. Of some few lives
   we might say that the world would be none the poorer if they had never been, though
   we have no certainty that even this limited statement is true. But there can be no
   thought of waste about these lives which have been so freely laid down for the general
   good. In their lesser human degree such deaths share the sublimity of the death upon
   the Cross. However imperfectly realized, however much mixed with lower motives,
   the true spirit of self-sacrifice is there, and gives a spiritual completeness to the incom-
   pletely developed character. “It is finished,” we may say, as we think of some such
   heroic death. The hardships are over, the duty is done, the life is completed and
      This bright, willing, surrender by our School-heroes of all that they had to offer,
   is one of the great reassuring facts of the War. We had been told so often by critics
   what a degenerate race we were, that we had almost come to believe them. But it was
   not true. So far from being true, some of the most conspicuous examples of gallant
   achievement at the cost of death have been given by those whose prospects in life were
   fairest. Men of every position in life stood shoulder to shoulder and vied with each 
   other in the courage with which they undertook desperate rescues of wounded comrades
   or other adventurous exploits. And as the Roll of Honour grows longer and longer, our
   pride almost overmasters our grief, and amongst them some of our boys from this School.

         “A remnant of our Spartan dead!
         Of the three hundred grant but three
         To make a new Thermopylae!”

                              Samuel Pearson
Page 5

   From the Rev. R.E. Holmes, M.A.,
   Vicar of Tynemouth & Chairman of the Governors.

      In loving pride our tears start afresh as we look at their portraits and think of the
   dear ones whom we here commemorate. But there is a City (we are told) where God
   shall wipe away all tears, and in his vision, St. John saw its twelve gates with “names
   written thereon,” – names that proclaimed the unity of God’s people. Now our School-
   gates have names inscribed, the names of those whom we delight to honour. As we enter
   or pass by each day, we shall always see them there. They will call us to unite in the
   service of the Highest and they will bid us make our names honourable, for we are told
   of the Heroes of the Faith (Hebrews xi. 40) that “they without us should not be made
   perfect,” and, lest the sacrifice of our brave lads be in vain, we must still remember
   that we who remain must prove ourselves worthy of them and their self-sacrifice. With
   single voice they call us to be ready to risk all for truth and righteousness.

                              R.E. Holmes.
Page 6

   Tynemouth Municipal High School.
   Founded 1904

   The School’s Record in the Great War,

      To write of the share taken by our Old Boys in the Great World-struggle is to me
   a matter of deep sorrow and humble pride. It is given to few Headmasters to know
   every Old Boy that has passed through his School, but such is my happy lot.
      My heart was strangely moved as I saw the eager response of the lads to the call
   of King and Country in the hour of the Nation’s peril. More than half of the Old Boys of
   military age were with the colours before the inception of the Derby Scheme, and many
   more irked to join them but were pressed to remain with their firms engaged on all-
   important Admiralty and Munition work. And this apart from the large number of
   Sea-going Engineers and Ships’ Officers in the Mercantile Marine who braved the dangers
   of mine and torpedo to secure the Nation’s food-supply! No less than 75% of our Boys
   were serving before the Military Service Act came into force.
      On the one hand, boys who distinguished themselves in studies rallied nobly to the
   County’s call, and on the other, many lads who had little taste for school studies and
   tasks served equally finely when the crisis came.
      It was my great privilege to keep in touch with practically every boy in camp and
   trench, at home and on the foreign field, in the sleepless coast-patrol or scouring the
   high seas. Their spirit was ever splendid, their love for the old School never waned, and
   it was my constant joy to have their affection and confidence.
      They had set out with nothing to fight and suffer for except honour and justice
   and the protection of the weak, but that was enough.

       “We must be free or die, who speak the tongue
       That Shakespeare spake; the faith and morals hold
            Which Milton held.”
Page 7

      When at last the end of the great struggle came, in the Providence of God, victory
   rested on our banners. But at what cost of untold sacrifice, endurance and loyalty!
   No fewer than 69 of our dear lads have made the supreme sacrifice. This precious toll
   is the heavy price of our Liberty. Their parents have at least this deep and abiding
   consolation, the Right has triumphed and “whatever record leap to light,” they “never
   shall be shamed.” The plain record set out in this Memorial Book speaks for itself.
      Our School took its rightful share of the world-task, and took it gladly.
      We cannot forget the sixty-nine. An Oak Memorial provided by the Staff and
   present pupils is to be placed in the Large Hall of the School. It will bears the names of
   all Old Boys who served and it will remind future pupils of the School of their debt and
   their duty.
      The members of the Old Students Union are placing handsome Bronze Tablets in
   the stone panels of the main gateway; these will bear the names of the gallant lads who
   perished in the struggle and will remind passers-by that the Old Boys of this School were
   not wanting in the hour of crisis.

    “Yonder they lie, dead but not discontent,
   That which they found to do has had accomplishment.”

   The pupils at home, who could not go to the fight, followed with steadfast interest
   the fortunes of their brothers, and worked and gave of their best to minister to the
   suffering and to provide comforts for the lads.

   The following amounts were raised for various War Fund:
                                                                     £ s. d.
   Princess Mary’s Fund for Soldiers and Sailors                    14 10  0
   The Red Cross Society                                           120  0  0
   The Public Schools’ Hospital                                     25  0  0
   The R.S.P.C.A                                                     3 10  0
   Fund for Invalid Chairs                                          13  5  6
   Wool for Knitting Soldiers’ Comforts                             11 13  1
            do             do                                       21  5 10
   Fund for Blinded Heroes                                          25 10  6
   Y.M.C.A. Huts in France                                          24  1  0
   Others Items                                                      9  1  0
Page 8

      Scholars helped in the Harvest, Boys on the farm, Girls at fruit picking. In the
   critical year of the Nation’s food supply, 53 plots were opened out on the School Field
   and worked assiduously.
      Many Old Girls assisted in V.A.D. and other branches of service. All the Masters
   of military age, 12 out of 14, served their country. The Teachers who remained, assisted
   by Temporary Staff, worked with right good will and great cheerfulness and brought the
   Ship of School through storm and tumult into safe waters.
      To have been in charge of the School since its inception, to have had the constant
   loyalty of my fellow colleagues on the Staff, and to have seen the splendid response of
   the Old Scholars in such a long-drawn tragedy of the Nation’s need, will be to me ever
   a source of unfailing pride and gratitude.

                              Ellis W. Heaton

   The following Masters served their King and Country in the Great War:
      Mr. R. Edwin Sopwith.               Mr. Percy Gould.
      Dr. Haselhurst.                     Mr. Harry Waine.
      Mr. William Winter.                 Mr. John Wm. Cooke.
      Mr. James Crawford Burnett.         Mr. Stanley Hall
      Mr. Gordon Fanstone.                Mr. George G. Bavidge.
      Mr. Edgar A. Chatwin.               Mr. Frederick Lambert
Page 9

   Roll of Honour.

   Entered the School in 1904.
      Wm. John Atkinson, enlisted 17th October, 1916, R.N.R., H.M.T., “Goshawk,” previously
         in Mercantile Marine.
      James W. Balls, enlisted 16th September, 1915, Lieut., R.N.R., H.M.S. “Charon.”
   +  James E.B. Brook, Corporal Australian Infantry. Killed in action 29th July,
         1916, in France.
   +  Harry A. Buffham, enlisted 9th February, 1916, Sergeant, 18th D.L.I. Killed in
         action in France 19th July, 1918.
      Harry Burton, enlisted 4th August, 1914, in Mercantile Marine, 2nd Engineer, S.S.
      James Cunningham, enlisted 18th June, 1918, 3rd Cl. Air Mechanic, Secretary to
         Engineering Commander.
      Kirton Carr, enlisted 8th March, 1915, Sergeant, Army Cyclists’ Battalion, served in
   +  Norman Chambers, enlisted February, 1916, D.L.I. Died of wounds in France,
         22nd October, 1916.
      William Cockburn, enlisted 6th December, 1915, Bombardier, R.G.A. (late R.E.).
      George C. Currie, enlisted 20th May, 1916, Corporal, K.O.Y.L.I., later a Cadet.
      Howard Curry, enlisted 9th September, 1914, Second Lieut. 108th Chinese Coy., served
         in France.
      Arthur, J. English, enlisted 25th October, 1915, Lieut., R.N.R. Navigating Officer of
         a Submarine.
      Robert J. Grant, enlisted October, 1914, Lieut. 5th D.L.I., Military Cross, November,
         1917, wounded in France 12th April, 1918.
      Herbert Reay Haselhurst, Captain, N.F., then in Air Force, Balloon Section, 3
         times wounded in France.
      Walter Hutchinson, enlisted 17th September, 1914, N.F., wounded in France.
      Joseph R. Jull, enlisted 4th August, 1914, on board H.M. Transport “City of
      Thomas Kirkham, enlisted 4th August, 1914, 2nd Engineer, H.M. Transport.
   +  Curzon Lithgo, Sergeant, 16th N.F. Killed in action in France, July 1st, 1916.
      Charles P. Nicholson, enlisted 10th December, 1915, Royal Air Force. Served in France
         and Italy.
Page 11

   +  Robert Peirson, enlisted September, 1914, Corporal, 16th N.F. Served in France.
         Missing since 22nd March, 1918, presumed killed in action (page 10).
      James Pearson, enlisted 1st April, 1917. 15th D.L.I. Wounded in 1918. Served in
      Peter Robertson, enlisted August, 1916. R.A.M.C.
      Alphonsus Reidy, 2nd Lieut., D.L.I. Served in France.
      William Hy. Sanders, enlisted 4th March, 1915, Corporal, Tank Corps (Mechanist).
         Served in France. Wounded 24th August, 1918.
   +  William Gordon Scurr, enlisted 1914, 2nd Class Engineer, S.S. “Trocas,” sunk
         by enemy submarine in the Greek Seas, 19th January, 1918 (page 10).
      James Shand, enlisted 22nd September, 1915, Warrant Engineer, R.N.R., H.M.T.
      Fred Smith, enlisted May, 1915, 1st Northumbrian Field Ambulance (R.A.M.C.).
         Served in Macedonia.
      James Surtees, enlisted 21st September, 1914, 16th N.F., transferred A.O.C. Served
         in France and Mesopotamia, wounded July, 1916.
      J. Hunter Thornton, enlisted 30th May, 1918, 13th N.F. Served in France.
   +  David S. Wallace, enlisted 4th August, 1914 (T). 2nd Lieut. South Lancashire
          (Prince of Wales’ Own). Took part in the retreat from Mons. Killed in
         action at Vic-sur-Aisne, September 19th, 1914. Mons Medal.
   +  Harold Weir, enlisted September, 1914, Trooper “A” Squadron Northumber-
         land Hussars (Imperial Yeomanry). Later 2nd Lieut. N.F. Killed in action
         in France, 31st October, 1917.

      Entered in 1905.

      George Allan, enlisted 8th September, 1914, 6th N.F., Company Q.M.S. Served in
      James Allerton, enlisted 5th March, 1915, E.R.A., R.N.R., H.M. Light Cruiser “Castor.”
         Was present at the Battle of Jutland.
      James P. Brodie, 9th D.L.I., Lieut. Transferred to R.A.F., later transferred to 55th
         Labour Company. Served in France.
      Charles Wm. Butler, enlisted 9th December, 1915, Gunner, R.A.F. Served in India and
      Oscar Curry, enlisted September, 1914, London Regiment.
   +  Joseph Henry Duncan, enlisted September, 1914, Northumberland Fusiliers.
         Killed in action in France, 6th October, 1915.
      George Edwards, Lieutenant, R.A.F. Served in Aegean Group (Mediterranean).
      William Ellison, enlisted 28th October, 1915, Corporal R.A.M.C. Served in Mesopotamia.
      Robert F. Filsher, enlisted 7th September, 1914, 6th N.F. Wounded in France,
         April, 1915.
      Robert Graham, enlisted 14th June, 1915, Lieut. 14th N.F., attached 2nd D.L.I.
         Wounded March 23rd, 1918 in France.
      Daniel Harrison, enlisted May, 1915, 2nd Lieut., 9th Battalion Tank Corps. Served
         in France.
      George E. Hogg, Lieut. R.E. (Gas Section). Wounded in France, awarded Military
         Cross and Bar.
Page 13

      Robert Hastie, enlisted 27th October, 1916, 2nd Lieut. N.F. Wounded April, 1918.
         Served in France.
      Maurice Holmes, enlisted 4th August, 1914. Served in the Fleet (Auxiliary Oil Supply).
      Robert Hudson, enlisted 9th October, 1915, 3rd Engineer, S.S. “British Ensign.”
      Thomas M. Horn, enlisted 9th March, 1915, Sergeant, A.S.C. Served in France. Later
         Cadet in R.A.F.
      James W. Hutchison, enlisted 2nd March, 1915. Corporal, 2nd Seaforth Highlanders,
         twice wounded, July 1st, 1916, and December, 1916. Served in France.
      Donald Hutchison, enlisted August, 1914, Corporal, R.M.S.M., and 2nd Lieut. 9th N.F.
      Ernest B. Johnson, enlisted 10th September, 1914, Corporal, 15th West Yorks (Leeds
         Pals). Served in France and Egypt.
   +  Colin Jamieson, enlisted December, 1913 (T). Served in Artist Rifles, then 2nd Lieut.
         15th London Regiment, twice wounded in France. Reported Missing May
         21st, 1917. Presumed killed in action (page 12).
      George Victor Lyons, enlisted 13th October, 1916. N.F. (later).
      William T. McQuillen, enlisted August 4th, 1914. Captain, 18th N.F. Wounded and
         gassed (Arras) 1917.
      John Wm. Moffat, Territorial before 1914. Sapper R.E., 89th Field Company.
      Albert Mason, L/Corporal, Artists’ Rifles. 27th June, 1917.
      John R. Matthews, R.A.M.C.
      Edward Macintosh, D.L.I. Wounded in France.
      John L. Newton, Lieut., R.E. Served in France.
      Grenville W.E. Ogden, enlisted September 4th, 1914, Lieut. (Acting Adjutant)
         Lancs. Fusiliers. Served in France.
      Herbert Foster Park, enlisted 25th June, 1916, Lieut. in Command, R.N.R. Patrol Boat
          “Thomas Chambers.”
      Harold Poland, enlisted August 7th, 1914, 2nd Lieut. R.E.
      Tom Paulin, enlisted 8th August, 1917, Bombardier, R.G.A. Served in France. 
      Gilbert Porterfield, enlisted October, 1914, Mercantile Marine. Served in H.M. Transport
      Fred Pearson, enlisted 14th August, 1914, Chief Officer in Mercantile Marine.
      Robert Robertson, served with Y.M.C.A. in France.
      Robinson Rigby, enlisted November, 1914, Lieut. R.N.R. Mine Sweeping Service,
         H.M.T. “Acacari.”
      Philip Reed, enlisted, 1915, Sergeant, Canadian M.G. Corps. Served in France.
         Wounded 1917, gassed 1918.
      William S. Swinney, enlisted 25th August, 1917, 2nd Engineer, S.S. “Cornfield”
          (Oil Transport).
      David Simpson, enlisted July, 1917. Sapper, R.E. Served in France.
      Jonathan Smith, Lance Sergeant, 4th N.F.
      Norman Stark, enlisted 20th May, 1915, R.A.M.C. Served in Egypt and France.
      George Wm. Slater, enlisted 16th May, 1915, Sergeant 10th Royal Fusiliers. Served
         in France.
Page 15

      Harry C. Waine, enlisted 8th May, 1915, R.A.M.C.
      Robert W.M. Wilkens, enlisted 4th January, 1915, 3rd Engineer, H.M. Transport
      Hedley Ward, 7th N.F. Served in France.
      Adam S. Wood, May 1915. R.M.S.M.

   Entered in 1906

   +  Randall Agnew, Chief Officer, Mercantile Marine, then in January, 1915, given
         command of a coast patrol boat. Drowned in a storm January 20th, 1917.
          (page 12).
      Tom Blench, R.A.M.C., 31st Field Ambulance. Served in Salonika.
      Edwin Beck, enlisted 26th October, 1914, Sergeant, Army Cyclists’ Corps. Served in
         France. Awarded Military Medal and Bar.
      Bertram Brook, enlisted 5th August, 1914. Captain, 6th N.F. Served in France.
         Mons Star.    
      James Blain, enlisted 8th September, 1918, Sapper R.E. Served in Salonika.
      Cuthbert Beautyman, enlisted 5th January, 1917, Sapper R.E. Served in France.
      Robert B. Clark, enlisted 30th December, 1914, 2nd Engineer M.F.A. “Impoco”
         Oil Transport. Ship torpedoed December, 7th, 1916.
      Frank Carnaby, 4th January, 1915, Lieut. R.N.R. Served in Admiralty Transport
         Ship prior to 1915.
      Horatio Clouston, enlisted January, 1915, Sergeant, 29th Vancouver Battalion (Canada).
         Served in France.
      Frederick Cockburn, enlisted 24th May, 1915. Company Q.M. Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers,
          (Public Schools’ Battalion). Wounded 18th August, 1917.
   +  John Colledge, enlisted October, 1914, Engineer S.S. “Gretaston,” (H.M. Trans-
         port). Lost at sea, April, 1917 (page 14).
      Thomas Davidson, enlisted 5th June, 1918. N.F. Served in France.
      Joseph Garrard, enlisted 4th September, 1914. Captain, 6th N.F. Wounded twice,
         awarded Military Cross, May, 1917, taken prisoner of war, May, 1918.
      Norman Galloway, enlisted December, 1915. Sergeant R.E. Served in France.
      Sidney R. Gustard, enlisted February, 1915. Lieut. 9th Sherwood Foresters. Twice
         wounded (1916 & 1917).
   +  Alan Herriott, enlisted September, 1914, 16th N.F. Served in France. Killed in
         action July 1st, 1916 (page 14).
      Ernest E. Hymers, enlisted November, 1915. Sapper, R.E.
      George W. Jackson, 11th February, 1915, A.S.C. Served in Mesopotamia. Mentioned
         for special services.
      George W. Joyce, enlisted 4th September, 1914. Chief Engine Room Artificer. H.M.S.
   +  Alan A. Mackenzie, enlisted March, 1915, Captain, Seaforth Highlanders. Twice
         wounded (a) Bourlon Wood, 1917, (b) in retreat from Cambrai, March 23rd,
         1918. Mentioned in despatches, became a prisoner in German hands.
         Presumed died of wounds (page 14).
Page 17

      James Melville, enlisted, Territorial since 1912. Company Sergeant Major, R.E.
      Thomas Andrew Miller, 3rd Engineer, S.S. “British Emperor,” Persian Gulf.
      William Peirson, enlisted November 12th, 1914. R.A.M.C. Served in France.
      Harvey Porter, enlisted September 17th, 1914. R.A.M.C.
   +  Lancelot Rennison, enlisted September, 1914. Canadian Field Artillery. Lieut.
         Killed in action at Bourlon Wood, Sept. 27th, 1918. Served in France (page 14).
      Clifford Sawyer, enlisted 7th December, 1914, L/Corporal, R.E. Served in France.
   +  Thomas Shaw, enlisted 8th March, 1915. Joined Westminster Dragoons, then 2nd
         Lieut. South Lancs. Regiment. Served on the Western front. Killed in
         action at Ploegsteert, 1st April, 1918 (page 14).
      Robert Hindmarch Stubbs, enlisted 14th September, 1914. Lieut. (acting Captain)
         Pioneer Regiment. Served in France. Later joined Indian Army (Rajput).
      William W. Tagg, enlisted October, 1915. Lance-Bombardier, R.G.A. Gassed August
         13th, 1918. Served in France.
      William T. Temple, enlisted 11th January, 1916, 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. Attached R.G.A.
         Served in France. Wounded March 21st, 1918.
      John C. Weatherburn, enlisted 3rd December, 1915. N.F. transferred to Lancs. Fusiliers,
         then to R.A.M.C. Served in France.
      Roland Wilson, enlisted August, 1915. Gunner R.G.A.
      Arnold Walker, Work among soldiers, Y.M.C.A.
      Albert W. Winn, enlisted 12th May, 1915, Corporal R.E. (Durham Field Company).
         Served in France.

   Entered 1907

      Francis Theodore Basey, enlisted 1st April, 1915, Lieut., 4th N.F. Served in France.
      Robert J. Blair, enlisted 12th July, 1915. Sergeant 6th N.F. Served in France.
         Severely wounded.
      David Brown, enlisted 1st November, 1914. Chief Motor Mechanic, Motor Launch
         Patrol and Instructor.
      Sidney Burton, Mercantile Marine, 2nd Officer, British India Steam Navigation Co.,
   +  Harry E. Cooper, served in German South-West Africa. Killed in action at
         Kalkfield, June 24th, 1915 (page 16).
      Sidney Coward, enlisted August 1915, Lieut. N.F. Wounded in France, September
         18th, 1916, and again on April 9th, 1917.
      Wilfred L. De Leeuw, enlisted 28th May,1915, R.M.S.M.
   +  James Young Digman, enlisted September 4th, 1914, N.F. Killed in action in
         France, September 25th, 1915 (page 16).
      William Edmenson, enlisted 4th August, 1914, Captain D.L.I. Ireland, Officers’ Instructor.
      Kenneth Erskine, enlisted 25th December, 1918, 4th Assistant Engineer, H.M.S.
          “British Light.”
Page 19

   +  Thomas Forrest, enlisted December, 1915. Driver A.S.C. 29th Divisional Train.
         Served in France. Accidentally killed, March, 1919, at Cologne (page 16).
   +  Harry D. Howe, enlisted 12th October, 1915, Gunner (T) R.G.A. Served in
         France. Killed in action August 22nd, 1918. (page 16).
   +  Hugh Hutchison, enlisted August, 1914, 2nd Lieut., Tyneside Irish. Wounded
         November 24th, 1917, and died of his wounds November 29th (page 16).
      Herbert Gordon Jamieson, enlisted 14th April, 1915, 2nd Lieut. N.F. attached 2nd
         D.L.I. Twice wounded, 3 times overseas. Served in France.
   +  Kingswell Kemp, enlisted 10th September, 1914, 16th N.F. Severely wounded and
         discharged, totally disabled. Killed in an accident, 13th August, 1917 (page 18).
      Hugh Lawson, enlisted 1914, 2nd Engineer, S.S. “General Church.” Torpedoed, February
         4th, 1918.
      Munro Mackenzie, enlisted 4th September, 1914, 5th N.F. Once wounded. Served
         in France.
   +  Thomas Nelson Melrose, enlisted October, 1914, 2nd Lieut. N.F. Killed in 
         action in France, November, 14th, 1916 (page 18).
      Stanley Moffat, enlisted 28th May, 1915. Royal Marines. Served in France.
      William Pescod Nicholson, enlisted, Territorial since November 7th, 1913. 5th D.L.I.
         Severely wounded April 1st, 1918. Awarded Military Medal.
   +  Frederick J. Osbon, Royal Scots. Killed in action in the Gallipoli Campaign,
         June 28th, 1915 (page 18).
      Harold Porterfield, enlisted in Navy since June, 1912. 2nd Class Writer. Boat in
         action off West Hartlepool during Bombardment.
      James Scougal, enlisted August 5th, 1914 (T) R.E., later Lieut. Royal Marines.
      John William Sharp, enlisted 29th June, 1915, Company Q.M.S., R.E.
      Andrew J. Smith, enlisted 13th November, 1917, 4th Engineer, S.S. “British Emperor.”
         Persian Gulf.
      John Thomson, enlisted 4th August, 1914, (T) 50th Northumbrian Divisional Train,
         A.S.C. Served in France.
      Albert E. Veitch, enlisted August 4th, 1914, 2nd Lieut., previously Sergeant, 23rd N.F.,
         attached 5th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders. Served in France.
      William Whitfield, enlisted 11th October, 1915, Trooper 1st Northumberland Hussars
          (Imperial Yeomanry). Served in France.

   Entered in 1908.

      Charles Allan, enlisted 14th March, 1917, R.M.L.I. Wounded in the attack on
         Zeebrugge, on the “Vindictive.” Later on H.M.S. “Lord Clive.”
      Alan Armstrong, enlisted 1st November, 1914. Temp. Captain R.A.F., served twice
         in France, invalided though shell-shock. Awarded the French Croix de
         Guerre. Mentioned in despatches.
      John Turner Brown, enlisted 4th August, 1914 (T). Sapper, R.E. Served in France.
      Harold Clegg, enlisted October, 1916, A,S.C. Served on Intelligence Staff in France.
Page 21

      Richard Vernon Coats, enlisted September, 1914, Company Q.M. Sergeant, 52nd
         Battalion K.L.R. Served in France, wounded December, 1917.
   +  John James Frame, enlisted 12th July, 1915, L/Corporal, 52th Light Railway 
         Co., R.E. Served in France. Killed in an accident, June 12th, 1918 (page 18).
      John Dalton Forsyth, enlisted December 6th, 1915. Lieut., 3rd N.F., attached 2nd
         D.L.I. Awarded Military Cross, 1918.
      J. Redpath Hindmarsh, enlisted August, 1914. Sergeant, R.E. Inland Water Transport.
         Served in Mesopotamia.
   +  Stephen Hull, enlisted 3rd September, 1914, Corporal, 12th N.F. Killed in action
         in France, 19th April, 1917 (page 18).
   +  James Henry Hogg, enlisted 15th September, 1914, L/Corp. N.F. Killed in
         action in France, April 27th, 1915. Long reported missing (page 20).
   +  Norman S. Hoggarth, enlisted October, 1914, Leicestershire Regiment. 2nd Lieut.
         December, 1916, wounded March 21st, 1918, prisoner of war in Germany
          (Cassel). Died of wounds, May 29th, 1918 (page 20).        
      Sivert Holmes, enlisted September, 1915, M.G.C. Served in Egypt.
      George Hoy, enlisted 10th June, 1917. Royal Defence Corps.
      George Hurrell, enlisted 16th March, 1918. Surgeon Sub-Lieut. R.N.V.R. Served at
         sea in H.M.S. “Lennox,” H.M.S. “Sharpshooter” and H.M.S. “Earlswater.”
      Arthur F. Killip, enlisted July 1916, Lieut. R.G.A. Served in Italy and Mesopotamia.
         Awarded the Italian Service Medal.
   +   Norman Wilfred Lawson, enlisted September 16th, 1914, 2nd Lieut. 5th N.F.,
         3 times wounded. Presumed killed November 4th, 1916,at Wallingcourt,
         France (page 20).
      John B. Longville, enlisted 27th October, 1914, N.F. (Lewis Gun Section). Twice
         wounded (Arras & Ypres) 1917.
      Robert G. Melrose, enlisted October, 1914, Lieut. (Acting Captain) N.F. Tyneside
         Scottish attached L.T.M. Battery. Wounded in France. Afterwards served
         in Mesopotamia.
      Lawrence Moore, enlisted January, 1916. Sergeant 3rd Scottish Rifles. Instructor in
         Gas Defence.
      David Martin, January, 1916, 2nd Lieut., R.A.F. Previously in 10th N.F. Twice
         wounded (1916 & 1917). Served in France.
      John H. Maxwell, enlisted 31st May, 1915, 19th N.F. Served in France.
   +  J. Hylton Patterson, enlisted October 7th, 1914, Lieut. 4th Tyneside Scottish
         Killed in action at the Battle of the Somme, July 1st, 1916 (page 20).
      William Arthur Paulin, served on board a Submarine Chaser in the U.S.A. Navy.
      Benjamin Peel, enlisted October, 1914, 2nd Lieut., M.G.C. Twice wounded, 1915 & 1918.
         Served in France.
      Charles W. Robson, enlisted December, 1915. Sergeant, R.E.
   +  William George Roper, enlisted 1st June, 1915, Corporal, Special Brigade, R.E.
         Killed in action near Albert, August 24th, 1916 (page 20).
      William M. Reay, enlisted January, 1915, Company Q.M. Sergeant, A.S.C., 17th Divisional
         Train. served in France. Awarded the Meritorious Service Medal.
Page 23

      Robert Foster Scott, enlisted October, 1914, Corporal, R.A.M.C. Served in East Africa.
         Previously in Gallipoli & Egypt.
      Arthur Steele, enlisted September, 1914, 6th N.F. Sergeant Instructor and Temporary
         Q.M. sergeant. Served in France.
   +  John Watson Todd, enlisted 7th September, 1914. L/Corporal, N.F. Served in
         France. Killed in action, March 12th, 1916. (page 22).
   +  David K. Tulloch, enlisted September 19th, 1914. 5th N.F. Killed in action at
         Ypres. May 28th, 1915 (page 22).
      Joseph R. Veitch, enlisted April, 1917, Brigade Signaller, R.G.A. Served in France.
      Cyril Wears, Gunner, R.F.A., Trench Mortar Battery. Served in France.
      William A. Watson, enlisted August 18th, 1914, 2nd Lieut., R.A.F. formerly Sergeant,
         10th N.F. Served in France.
      Hector N. Weir, enlisted July 20th, 1915, 4th Engineer, H.M. Australian Transport,
         previously served on H.M.T. “Abelia,” torpedoed December 30th, 1915.
      William Herbert Yorston, enlisted August, 1914. Wireless Telegraphist, H.M. Rescue
         Steamers. Took part in the “Zeebrugge Raid.” Served also in the Cameroons.
      Jack Young, enlisted August, 1914. Chief Officer, S.S. “Queenmoor.”

   Entered in 1909.

   +  Fred Allerton, enlisted 11th November, 1913 (T). L/Corporal, Tyne Electrical
                  Engineers. Died from accident while on duty, September 14th, 1916. (page 22).
   +  Alfred Latimer Armstrong, accidentally killed whilst on Government work at
         Smith’s Dock, January 19th, 1916 (page 22).
      Thomas Andrews, enlisted 30th August, 1915, 2nd Lieut. 3rd N.F.
      William Arthur Armstrong, enlisted 1st February, 1916. Gunner R.F.A., 15th Mountain
         Battery. Served in Mesopotamia, previously on N.W. frontier of India.
      Thomas Arthur Alexander, enlisted 11th August, 1915. Driver, Northumbrian Division,
         A.S.C., then with 3rd East Lancs. Regiment.
      Victor Bryson, enlisted 1st September, 1914. Sergeant 3rd Field Ambulance. Served
         in France. Later Cadet in Officers’ Cadet Battalion.
      John Etters Beck, Sergeant 6th Corps Cyclists’ Battalion. Served in France. Wounded.
      Percival Buglass, enlisted 4th May, 1915, Signaller 32nd M.G.C. Served in France.
   +  Thomas Finkall Blair, enlisted 12th July, 1915. 2nd Lieut. Royal Air Force,
         accidentally killed whilst flying at Stamford (Lincs.) 5th April, 1918.
         Formerly 13 months in France with N.F. Wounded 1916 (page 22).
      John William Brand, enlisted September, 1914, Sergeant, 13th Anti-Air Craft Section,
         R.E. Served in France.  
   +  James Campbell, enlisted 3rd February, 1916, Queen’s Own Westminster Regiment.
         Killed in action, September 10th, 1916.
   +  John Errington, enlisted 6th March, 1916, N.F. Killed in action in France, August
         13th, 1916.
      Nicholas Ferguson, enlisted 3rd November, 1915. Sapper, R.E. Served in France.
      Robert Fortune, enlisted January, 1915. Lieut. (Acting Captain) 8th N.F. Served in
Page 25

      John Forrest, enlisted August, 1916, Gunner (Heavy Artillery Group.) Served in France.
   +  James William Grey, enlisted March 8th, 1916. Sapper, R.E. Served in France.
         Died on service, July 11th, 1918 (page 24).
   +  Fred. O. Greenacre, enlisted 17th November, 1915. L/Corporal 5th Gordon
         Highlanders. Served in France, taken Prisoner of War, March 21st, 1918.
          (Interned in Stendal). Died whilst a prisoner, July 2nd, 1918 (page 24).
      James S. Glover, enlisted 1913 (T) Tyne Electrical Engineers. 2nd Lieut. Served in
      Raymond Grix, enlisted 6th December, 1915. Company Q.M. Sergeant, R.E.
      Joseph Hibbs, enlisted 15th March, 1918, served on Collier Transport.
      James W. Hunter, enlisted May, 1916, R.F.A. Served in France.
      Philip Hodgson, enlisted October, 1916, R.M.L.I. Was present at “Zeebrugge Raid,”
         on board H.M.S. “Vindictive,” afterwards served on the Murman Coast as
         French Interpreter.
      John Henry Hall, served in R.M.S.M.
      Reginald Scott Hutchinson, enlisted September, 1915, Lieut., R.G.A. (Anti-Aircraft
         Section). Served in France.
      Henry Lowes, enlisted August, 1915, L/Corporal, R.M.S.M.
      Harold Lyons, enlisted March 25th, 1915, 20th D.L.I., attached R.A.M.C. Served in
      William Lilburn, enlisted 29th November, 1915, Corporal, Loyal North Lancs. Regiment.
      Joseph Moss, enlisted 1914, Chief Officer, S.S. “Cyrene,” Oil Transport.
      Sydney Meadows, enlisted 13th January, 1915, 15th West Yorks (Leeds Pals). Served
         in France.
   +  J. Eric H. Miller, enlisted December, 1914, 2nd Lieut. 1st N.F. Killed in action
         in France, January 11th, 1916 (page 24).
      Robert Miller, enlisted April, 1918, Junior Officer, H.M.S. “Orcoma”.
      William C. Murray, enlisted 12th November, 1915, 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. Served in France.
      Stanley Matthews, Apprentice on S.S. “Cairnvalona.”
      James H. Miller, enlisted 27th July, 1917, Lieut., R.N.R. H.M. Icebreaker “Alexander.”
      Louis Milburn, enlisted August, 1914, Second Officer, Oiler Transport, “British Sovereign.”
      James Marco, enlisted October, 1914, 2nd Class Engineer, Mercantile Marine (Oil 
      Anthony Meadows, 2nd Officer, S.S. “Manzanares,” 4 times torpedoed.
Thomas Walter Manson, enlisted 10th January, 1916, Lieut. R.F.A. Wounded on
         the Somme, 1916, returned to France, January, 1918.
      David Parry, enlisted 16th October, 1915, Sergeant, R.G.A. Served in France
         invalided with Trench Fever.
      Eric Pickles, enlisted January, 1917, 2nd Lieut., Sherwood Foresters. Served in France.
   +  Leslie H. Proctor, enlisted October 6th, 1914, 2nd Lieut., (A.S.C.) attached R.A.F.
         Previously in R.E. & Royal Irish Rifles. Killed in a flying accident in
         France, November 25th, 1918.
      Robert N. Pringle, enlisted 14th February, 1916, Sapper, R.E. Wireless Operator.
         Served in East Africa and Ireland.
      Frederick G. Robb, enlisted 24th November, 1915, 1st Class Air Mechanic, R.A.F.
         Served in France. Twice wounded.
Page 27

      George Reive, enlisted 17th November, 1915, Lieut., 5th N.F. Served in France.
         Wounded at Vimy Ridge, 1916. Gassed, 1917.
      John William Randell, enlisted 11th February, 1915. 2nd Lieut., K.O.R. Lancs. Served
         in Gallipoli, Mesopotamia (Kut Relief Force), entered Bagdad sic. Twice
      Robert Ramsey, enlisted 30th June, 1915. Q.M. Sergeant, R.A.M.C.
      George Alfred Reay, enlisted 24th November, 1914. 1st Class Gunner, R.N.R.
         H.M.T. “Woodfield.”
      James R. Stephenson, enlisted 22nd May, 1916. Corporal 4th Duke of Wellington’s
         Regiment. Served in France.
      John C. Smith, enlisted 13th May, 1915. 1st Class Air Mechanic, R.A.F.
   +  Arnold Stroud, enlisted 24th April, 1915, 2nd Lieut. 4th N.F. Killed in action in
         France, September 15th, 1916 (page 26)
      Thomas Sadler, enlisted 17th August, 1918. Engineer. Served in the Mercantile Marine.
      Robert Sharp, enlisted 29th November, 1915. Corporal, Royal West Kents. Served
         in France.
      Athol Smurthwaite, enlisted 28th January, 1914 (T) L/Corporal, 6th N.F. Severely
         wounded in France.
      Robert Turner, enlisted August, 1914. Sapper, R.E. Served in France.
   +  George William Taylor, enlisted 15th September, 1914, 6th N.F., then became
         2nd Lieut. 73rd Labour Company. Killed in action in France, October 1st, 1917.
          (page 26).
      Arnold Turnbull, Dispenser, Friends’ Ambulance Unit.

   Entered in 1910.

   +  John C. Allen, enlisted September, 1914, 6th N.F. Killed in action in France, 26th
         April, 1915. (page 26).
      George Anderson, enlisted 12th October, 1918, 4th Engineer, M.F.A. “Keyingham”
         Transport No. 587.
      Edwin Armstrong, enlisted 15th March, 1915. Corporal, R.M.S.M.
   +  George Arthur Brown, enlisted 30th July, 1914, (T) Tyne Electrical Engineers.
         Died on service, January 30th, 1915. (page 26).
   +  George Frederick Ball, enlisted February, 1916. 2nd Lieut. Highland Cyclists’
         Battalion, June, 1917, previously in N.F. (Tyneside Scottish). Died in
         Ireland, December 6th, 1918.
      Walter Scott Burn, enlisted 9th July, 1918, Sub-Lieut. (Hydrophone Section) H.M.S. “Z.”
      William Kirton Bell, enlisted May, 1916, 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. Wounded, April 12th, 1918.
      Robert Bradbeer, enlisted October 30th, 1916, Corporal Seaforth Highlanders. Wounded
         and captured in France, November 22nd, 1917. Interned at Munster.
      William Croft Bradbeer, enlisted 19th February, 1917. L/Corporal RE. Later Cadet.
      Robert C. Carter, enlisted 10th October, 1917, 1st Class Air Mechanic, R.A.F. Served
         in France.
   +  Alfred Addison Crossman, enlisted 3rd March, 1915. Corporal, Royal Scots.
         Killed in action, May 11th, 1916.
      Colin Campbell, enlisted October, 1916, Gunner, R.M.A.
   +  Harry Carling, enlisted 8th August, 1914. Lost his life at sea on H.M. Patrol
         Boat, October 31st, 1915.
Page 29

      Joseph Crosthwaite, enlisted 4th August, 1914, 3rd Officer, Mercantile Marine.
   +  William S. Cowell, enlisted May 24th, 1918, R.F.A. Served in Salonika. Died of
         Enteric at Constantinople, October 2nd, 1919 (page 28).
      William Dickinson, enlisted November 16th, 1914, L/Corporal, R.E. Served in France.
   +  George Henry Davison, enlisted 22nd May, 1916, Rifleman 7th West Yorks.
      Served in France. Killed in action October 11th, 1918. (page 28).
      Norman Edmenson, enlisted 19th February, 1918, 2nd Lieut. R.A.F.
      John Forsyth, enlisted 1st December, 1916, Driver R.H.A. (Reserve Battery). Served
         in France. Wounded at 3rd Battle of Ypres.
      James C. Garfitt, enlisted 15th May, 1916, Signaller, R.N.V.R. Injured May 1st, 1918,
          (explosion of German mine).
   +  Daniel Graham, enlisted June 2nd, 1916, 1st East Yorks Regiment. Died of
         wounds in France, August 27th, 1918.
      Norman R. Gibson, enlisted July, 1915, 5th Somerset L.I. (transferred from N.F.)
          Served in Egypt.
      George R. Hunter, enlisted June, 1915, Bombardier, R.G.A. Served in France.
   +  Alfred Y. Hutchinson, enlisted 5th December, 1914, Sergeant 25th N.F. Served in
      France. Died of wounds, March 20th, 1915.
      Norman Hewgill, enlisted 6th September, 1915, Sapper, R.E. Anti-Aircraft Section.
         Served in France.
      John James Hird, enlisted 8th January, 1915, M.G.C.
      Thomas S. Hunter, enlisted 6th January, 1918. L/Corporal, M.G.C.
      John Innes, enlisted 3rd November, 1914, 18th N.F., transferred to Tank Corps.
   +  John Robert Jackson, enlisted 18th November, 1915, Queen’s Westminster
         Rifles. Missing 14th April, 1917, in France, later reported killed in action.
      John G. Joice, enlisted 10th February, 1917, Gunner, R.F.A. Served in Italy
         and France.
      Frederick S. Jones, enlisted 10th September, 1916, L/Corporal, A.S.C. Served in Malta.
      Arthur Wm. Jobling, enlisted September, 1915, Sapper, 1st Northumbrian R.E. Served
         in France. Wounded and gassed, March, 1918.
   +  John William Lundy, enlisted 30th April, 1918. L/Corp. Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
         Torpedoed and drowned in the Irish Sea on R.M.S. “Leinster,” 10th October
   +  Victor Limerick, enlisted 5th July, 1915, Lieut., R.F.A. attached R.A.F.
         previously sergeant, R.F.A. Killed in flying accident, August 20th, 1919
   +  Norman Lake, enlisted 24th October, 1916, 5th Reserve South Staffs Regiment.
         Killed in action at Croiselles, 19th April, 1917.
      Charles S. Marshall, Midshipman, H.M.S. “City of London.”
      Thomas McPherson, enlisted March, 1916, Sub-Lieut., R.N.R. H.M.S. “Carnation.”
      William K. Melrose, enlisted 8th July, 1918, Cadet Durham University O.T.C.
      George Parsons, 2nd Lieut., Tank Corps. Served in France.
   +  Thomas Temple Perris, enlisted 14th March, 1917, Black Watch. Served in
         Mesopotamia. Succumbed to Dysentery, 17th November, 1917 (page 32).
      Thomas Potts, enlisted 13th April, 1915, Junior Officer, Royal Naval Transport
      Harold Potts, enlisted 26th November, 1918, R.N. (Anti-gas Section).
      Arthur Popplewell, enlisted 26th June, 1915, R.A.M.C. Served in France.
Page 31

      Fred J. Robinson, enlisted 4th September, 1914, N.F. Served in France. Wounded
         and gassed.
      Edmund J. Rang, enlisted March, 1918, Engineer Artificer, R.N.V.R.
      David M. Spence, enlisted 23rd January, 1915, 4th N.F. Served in France. Suffered
         from Trench Feet.
      John Straughan, enlisted January, 1917, 6th Cameron Highlanders. Served in France.
   +  Cyril Strong, enlisted 1st June, 1916, 1st Class Signaller, R.F.A. Killed in the German
         Bombardment of the 7th Canadian Hospital, May 19th, 1918, whilst carrying
         the wounded, mentioned in despatches. Awarded the Military Medal.
      Austin Stroud, enlisted 14th April, 1915, Cadet. Spent 1917 in France with Northern
         Cyclists’ Battalion.
      Robert Trewhitt, enlisted 31st July, 1918, 6th Engineer, Mercantile Marine.
   +  W. Richard Trayhurn, enlisted February, 1915, L/Corporal, 18th Highland L.I.
         Died of wounds received at Ypres, October 25th, 1917.
      Allan Tebb, enlisted 23rd November, 1915, 6th N.F.
      Ronald Thurlbeck, enlisted 4th August, 1914, on Pilot Cutter, transferred February,
         1918, to R.N. Transport and served as 2nd Officer.
      Francis Walker, enlisted May, 1915, Sapper, R.E., Northumberland Field Company.
         Served in Mesopotamia.
      Fred J.M. Wilkens, enlisted 28th November, 1914. Acting as Q.M. Sergeant, 19th
         N.F. Served in France. Then 2nd Lieut. Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
         attached Highland L.I.
      Ralph L. Willis, enlisted 26th September, 1916. Sapper, R.E. Formerly with 5th
         Scottish Rifles.
      John S. Wilkie, enlisted 12th November, 1917. Served on Oiler Transport “Tacoma”
         trading between Italy, India, and China.
      Isaac Walton, enlisted 10th September, 1917, N.F. Served in France. Wounded
         April 10th, 1918.
      John G. Walton, enlisted 23rd May, 1917, 2nd Lieut., R.A.F. Served in Eastern

   Entered in 1911.

      Ernest C. Angus, enlisted 29th July, 1916, Gunner, R.F.A. Served in France.
      Percy R. Angus, enlisted 25th June, 1916, Midshipman, R.N.R., H.M.S. “Victorian.”
      George A. Bethell, enlisted 20th June, 1918, Engine Room Artificer, R.N.V.R., H.M.S.
      Thomas D. Brand, enlisted 2nd July, 1918, 3rd Gordon Highlanders. Served in France.
      Cuthbert Bullock, enlisted 27th April, 1918, 52nd D.L.I.
      Christopher Milton Brodie, enlisted 15th June, 1917, Signaller, 5th K.O.Y.L.I. Served
         in France.
      John Edgar Brown, enlisted June 1918, Corporal, Tyne Electrical Engineers.
      Sidney H. Brooks, enlisted 11th July, 1918, R.A.M.C. Afterwards Cadet R.A.F.
   +  Edwin P.W. Brown, enlisted September, 1914, 2nd Lieut., 3rd Norfolk Regiment.
         Killed in action, September 4th, 1916.
      William Henry Balleny, enlisted 11th December, 1911 (T) Corp. R.G.A.
      Douglas Campbell, enlisted October, 1917, Clerk, R.A.F.
      Henry Clark, enlisted 29th June, 1918, 3rd West Yorks Regiment.
Page 33

      Frank H. Caldwell, enlisted 20th March, 1917, Driver M.T. (A.S.C.). Served in France.
      Bertram Crosthwaite, enlisted January, 1915, on Transport “Cairnmona,” torpedoed
         on “Cairncross,” May 24th, 1918. Landed at Rio.
      Lewis Crosthwaite, enlisted 4th March, 1918, on Transport “Cairnvalona,” torpedoed
         June 15th, 1918, on “Cairnmona.”
   +  William G. Charlton, enlisted July, 1915, Lieut. (Company Commander) 15th
         D.L.I., severely wounded on July 7th, 1916. Returned to France June 14th,
         1918. Killed in action August 26th, 1918. In command of Battalion for
         three days before his death (page 32).
      Frederick W. Dovey, enlisted March, 1914, (T) Corporal, R.E. Anti-Aircraft Station.
      Benjamin P. Davison, enlisted 28th May, 1917, Sapper, R.E. (Signalling Section).
         Served in France.
      Creighton Dick, enlisted 25th August, 1917. Cadet, R.A.F.
      Henry Dunn, enlisted 18th March, 1918, 2nd Class Air Mechanic, R.A.F.
      Harold T. Dovey, enlisted 19th March, 1917, Gunner R.G.A. Served in France.
      Alfred Dennison, enlisted 29th September, 1918, Cadet, Durham University O.T.C.
   +  Joseph Dehn, enlisted October, 1912, (T) Durham Light Infantry. Died while on
         Service, August 18th, 1915 (page 32).
      Thomas Davison, 5th June, 1918, N.F. Served in France.
      James, Ernest Emery, enlisted 11th November, 1916, 7th North Staffs. Served in
      Joseph Henry Fannen, enlisted June 1915, R.N.D., then 4th D.L.I., July 1918 (Signaller).
      John Philip Grieves, enlisted 30th May, 1918, Mechanic M.T. Section, A.S.C.
   +  Joseph Cyril Graham, enlisted November, 1916, 2nd London Regiment (Royal
      Fusiliers). Killed in action in France, August, 25th, 1918.
      David G. Hibbs, enlisted July, 1918, R.N.V.R. (Hydrophone Section). Served at
      Thomas Hunter, enlisted 29th June, 1918, South Staffs. Regiment.
      Stanley Hymers, August, 1917, 15th D.L.I. Served in France.
      George Hunter, enlisted 4th January, 1917, 2nd Yorks & Lancs. Regiment.
      Robert G. Hindmarsh, enlisted August, 1914. Mate on S.S. “Warkinsman,” (Oil
      John Hornby, enlisted May, 1915, 2nd Lieut., N.F. Served in France. Wounded.
         January 27th, 1918.
      Charles S. Lundy, enlisted 31st January, 1918, L/Corporal, Durham University O.T.C.,
         then transferred to Officer Cadet Unit.
   +  Charles H. Mawson, enlisted 25th October, 1916 2nd Life Guards (Household
         Battalion). Served in France. Killed in action, 25th October, 1917.
      Ernest F. Merrick, 12th January, 1916, R.A.M.C., attached R.E. (Sound ranging
         Section). Served in France.
      William D. Miller, enlisted 5th July, 1918, M.G.C., later Cadet in R.A.F.
      Henry G. Martin, enlisted 28th June, 1918, Fitter, R.F.A.
      George P. Martin, 4th D.L.I., transferred to Essex Regiment.
      Peter Ogilvie, 30th April, 1918, Cadet R.A.F.
      Robert M. Park, enlisted April, 1915, Gunner R.F.A. Served in Gallipoli, Egypt, Kut
         Relief Expedition, India and France.
      Joseph Parker, enlisted 14th October, 1916, Signaller, R.G.A. Served in France.
Page 35

      Edward F. Plackett, enlisted 30th December, 1916, Driver, R.G.A. Served in France.
      Frederick Peirson, enlisted 27th March, 1917. Served on H.M.S. “Britannia” in
         African Waters.
      E. Paul Quenet, enlisted 9th December, 1917, 2nd Lieut., 3rd Batt. D.L.I.
      Walter J. Reddy, enlisted 26th February, 1917, 12th D.L.I. Served in Italy.
      Percy G. Roper, enlisted 2nd January, 1917, R.A.M.C., transferred to Manchester
         Regiment. Served in India, Egypt, Palestine and France.
      Thomas S. Rae, enlisted 4th September, 1917 D.L.I.
      Edward Henry Sapp, enlisted 27th July, 1915, Corporal, R.E. (Gas Section). Served
         in France.
      George Andrew Scott, 20th June, 1917. Served in H.M. Motor Patrol, West Indies.
      James A. Snowdon, enlisted 28th August, 1915, Corporal, A.S.C. Served in France.
      John Sutherland, enlisted 15th August, 1918, Cadet, Durham University O.T.C.
      James S. Tully, enlisted 5th June, 1916, 2nd Lieut., 5th D.L.I. Served in France.
         Trench Fever and gassed, July 28th, 1917.
      James Veitch, enlisted October, 1917, 19th N.F. Served in France. Wounded and
      John Whitehead, enlisted June, 1917, Rifleman, R.A.F., attached to Rifle Brigade.
         Wounded in France.
      Cuthbert Whitehead, enlisted August, 1916, Driver, Honourable Artillery Company.
         Served in Palestine. On Transport which was torpedoed in the Aegean.
      Innes H. Walton, enlisted 6th July, 1918, 3rd N.F., attached West Kents.
      James R. Watson, enlisted 30th June, 1918, 3rd K.O.Y.L.I. Served in France.
      Matthew Norman Wallace, enlisted April, 1916, Gunner, M.G.C. Served in France,
         then 2nd Lieut., 5th D.L.I.
      Thomas Wilson, enlisted 4th August, 1914, Second Mate, S.S. “Kenilworth,” Transport.

   Entered in 1912 and later.

      Fred D. Best, enlisted January, 1917, Driver, A.S.C.
      William Baxter, enlisted 24th May, 1918, M.T. (A.S.C.)
      Alfred Carr, enlisted 15th January, 1918, Army Pay Corps.
      Thomas S. Dover, enlisted 31st May, 1918, N.F.
      Percy Emmerson, enlisted 5th February, 1917, 2nd Lieut., Cavalry Regiment.
   +  James Fell, enlisted June, 1915, 4th Officer, S.S. “Vedamore,” torpedoed and drowned
         7th February, 1917. Gave his lifebelt up to a man who could not swim, then
         went to look around the ship o see if everyone was off (page 34).
      Norman Georgeson, enlisted 2nd August, 1917, Gunner, H.M.T. “Melville.”
      Arnold S. George, enlisted 6th November, 1916, 14th Sherwood Foresters.
      Thomas R. Hayward, enlisted 12th November, 1915, Wireless Operator, R.M.T.S.,
         torpedoed, then (December, 1917) 2nd Class Air Mechanic, R.A.F.
      Reginald P. Hunt, enlisted March 1917, Driver, A.S.C., Royal Horse Guards Section.
         Served in France.
      Philip Hawdon, enlisted May, 1918, L/Corporal, 52nd N.F.
      Anders Laland, enlisted 25th January, 1917, Apprentice on a Naval Transport.
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      John William Leck, enlisted 19th July, 1918, Motor Mechanic, R.N.M.B.R., H.M.S.
      Hugh MacAllister, enlisted 15th October, 1915, Marconi Wireless Operator, H.M.
         Hospital Ship “Soudan.”
      Thomas H. Matthews, Apprentice, S.S. “Kamouraska,” (H.M. Transport).
      Thomas B. Martin, Officers’ Training Corps.
      Joseph Dalton B. Moffet, enlisted 22nd February, 1917, Labour Corps.
      Thomas Basil Murray, enlisted 18th June, 1918, N.F.
      Henry S. Nicholson, enlisted 2nd July, 1918. 5th South Staff. Regiment
      William H.D. Nightingale, enlisted 1st December, 1917, Wireless Observer, R.A.F.
      Ernest C. Nicholson, enlisted 6th November, 1917, Machine Gun Corps.
      James B. Rodgers, enlisted 9th September, 1914, Junior Navigating Officer, S.S.
          “Yorkmoor.” Suffered wreck of South America.
      Henry Rischmiller, enlisted 2nd May, 1918, Electrical Wireman, H.M.T. “Speedy.”
      Norman Royal, enlisted May, 1918, Junior Engineer, S.S. “San Silvestre,” H.M. Oil
   +  Thomas C. Irvin Reed, enlisted 6th October, 1917, Royal Fusiliers (4th London
         Regt.). Killed in action in France, August 23rd, 1918 (page 34).
      Joseph B. Robson, enlisted 23rd April, 1918, Sergeant Observer, R.A.F. Served in
      George Reay, enlisted 4th December, 1916. Served on S.S. “Lucerna.” Oil Transport.
      William Robinson, enlisted 6th November, 1917, 20th London Regt. (Signaller).
      William A. Shepherd, enlisted 23rd July, 1918, 5th Reserve Battalion, D.L.I.
      Oswald Clive Venus, enlisted 20th July, 1915, Y.L.I., then 2nd Lieut., 12th Rifle
         Brigade. Wounded in France.
      Leslie H. Walker, enlisted 9th September, 1917 2nd Lieut., R.A.F.
      Albert R. Ward, enlisted 6th June, 1918, R.A.F. Served in the Mediterranean.
      Harold Wilkinson, enlisted 1st August, 1918, N.F.
      Arthur E.R. Willis, enlisted 26th June, 1918, 2nd Lieut., R.A.F.
      Charles E. West, enlisted 14th July, 1917. Served in France with the D.L.I. Wounded
         September 21st, 1918.
      Ronald Whitefield, enlisted 16th March, 1918, 2nd Lieut., R.A.F.
   +  Louis de la Cherois, enlisted July 22nd, 1917, Apprentice, “Renfrew,” torpedoed
         and drowned off Milford Haven, February 24th, 1918 (Page 34). 
      Herbert E. Motyer, enlisted March 27th, 1917. Lance-Corporal, 5th Manchester
         Regiment Signal Company.	
      Walter N. Hammond, enlisted March 25th, 1918, 3rd R.M.L.I.; was present at the
         attack on Zeebrugge. Afterwards served in Mudros and South Russia.
      Walter Scott Duncan, enlisted 27th April, 1918, Royal Air Force. Gazetted 2nd Lieut.
      Leonard F. Eames, enlisted 10th July, 1918, 25th Squadron R.A.F.
      Robert Graham Irving, enlisted 1st September, 1918, 51st N.F. Served at Cologne with
         Army of Occupation.
Page 37

   +  James Arthur Kent, enlisted August, 1918, 4th N.F. Died from Pneumonia at
         Hornsea, 10th December, 1918 (page 34).
      John Henry Koefod, enlisted 5th November. Mercantile Marine (Transport)
         S.S. “Arranmoor.” Foreign Service.
      Ernest Lishman, enlisted January, 1918. Durham University O.T.C. (L/Cpl).
      Fred McQueen, enlisted 23rd July, 1918, H.M.T. “Eastville.” Trading from United
         Kingdom to Italy, Greece, Africa, U.S.A. and South America.
      William Henry Newton, enlisted April, 1917. 2nd Cadet Batt. 5th West Yorks.
      William Potts, enlisted 12th October, 1918, 4th King’s Royal Rifle Corps. Serving in
      Alec Tweedy, enlisted March 1st, 1918. H.M. War Envoy.
      S.A. Hunter Wilkinson, enlisted 28th June, 1918, 7th South Staffs. Served in France.


   Note.-The Headmaster is very anxious that no name of an Old Boy who has served with
      the Forces shall be omitted. He has taken every pains to find out which Boys have
      served. If any have been overlooked he would be glad to know, as it is likely that
      a supplementary sheet will be printed in the same style as the rest of the Book. This
      can then be added to the Record.

Page 38

   By the private generosity of the Governors
   of the School, a copy of this “Record” is
   presented to each Master and Old Boy
   who served, and also to the relatives 
   of Old Boys who fell in the War.
Page 39

   Mawson Swan & Morgan Ltd.,

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Every Name A Story