Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Tony Harding


Plaque Served 1914-18 St. Nicholas





Map ref

NZ 251681

Original Location

St. Nicholas' Church, Church Road. On either side of the centre aisle at west end of nave. The southern one of two.

Present Location

This was originally on the wall of the tower. See Note 1 below.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Dedicated December 1919 by Rev. A.S. Wardroper, Vicar of Walker

Memorial Description

Plaque 1.5m high x 137cm wide, very plain, with a dome at centre top. In the arch thus created is a plain cross, with the "They served . . . Country" below.
The plaque is divided into five panels, on which the names are painted in a single column on each. Below these, at the centre of the wide frame are the details of the erection with, on either side, the painted badges of (left) the Northumberland Fusiliers, and (right) the Durham Light Infantry, these being the regiments of the donors' sons.

Materials used



They served their God, King and Country.
Erected by Mr. & Mrs. J. Edwards, Gosforth / in appreciation of those who served / in the Great War 1914-1919, and as / a token of thanks for the safe / return of their younger son / Capt. L. Edwards, 7th N.F.


How money was raised

Erected by Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Edwards, Gosforth.

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Ralph Hedley, 52 St.Mary’s Place, Newcastle on Tyne. Designed by Miss Davies


1. For companion plaque of those who died, see G9.06

2. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards had applied for Faculty No. 571 dated 29/1/1917 for a tablet which said "Erected by his father and mother in affectionate memory of their dear son Lieut. J. Harry Edwards killed in action in France Jany.7 1917". When the time came to erect this one, the other was brought from its position in the tower to be placed near this memorial. See also Stanley (Derwentside) S135.07

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photo: P. Thirkell

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 27/12/1919 reports dedication.

Tyne & Wear Archives
Ref: DT.CC/213/7 contains a photo of this memorial.
Ralph Hedley photo series. DT/RH/20-1-232

Diocese of Newcastle Faculty No. 601 21/5/1919

Research acknowledgements

P. Thirkell; Major Hoppe (Gosforth L.H.S.); Tony Harding; James Pasby

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque Served 1914-18 St. Nicholas (G9.19)

GOSFORTH, St. Nicholas' Church.
  1914   1919
  They served their God, King and Country.
  Armstrong, R.      Craig, J.         Hall, E.         Muitt, J.H.      Stewart, A.
  Avery, W.          Craig, W.         Harrison, G.     Megoran, W.M.    Sinton, W.J.
  Adams, A.          Cook, G.          Howard, J.       McNeill, A.      Smith, T.
  Adams, C.          Coxon, M.         Heaney, A.       McNeill, J.H.K.  Sherwin, A.
  Allan, R.J.        Cuthbertson, W.A. Hetherington, J. Maddison, L.C.   Sharp, J.
  Anderson, R.       Cuthbertson, G.   Harker, J.W.     Morgan, M.       Simey, G.
  Anderson, J.       Cuthbertson, J.   Harker, J.       McCree, G.       Stringer, R.
  Aynsley, D.        Cuthbertson, J.B. Hunter, A.       Mitchelson, F.   Stabell, A.
  Avery, J.          Cuthbertson, R.   Hardy, S.        Mullarkey, W.    Story, H.
  Anderson, T.       Donald, J.R.      Hay, T.A.        Milton, F.G.     Story, R.
  Avery, S.G.        Donaldson, B.     Hogg, J.         Millons, C.H.    Story, J.D.
  Allan, T.          Duke, R.          Hall, F.         McCourt, J.      Soulsby, W.
  Allan, T.L.        Denny, H.         Havery, J.C.     Miller, J.       Stephenson, L.
  Anderson, G.       Dickie, J.N.      Homersham, A     Maughan, G.E.    Smith, J.
  Armatage, J.G.     Diericx, A.       Hall, R.         Marshal, J.      Snowball, J.
  Aitken, W.S.       Donald, H.        Hall, D.         McCree, N.       Smales, M.
  Atkinson, J.S.     Detchon, R.S.     Hardman, C.      Metcalfe, W.     Sinton, T.
  Adams, J.                            Holmes, T.       Mitchell, D.R.K. Scott, A.W.
  Anderson, M.T.     Dickson, J.       Hodgson, R.R.    Mitchell, M.F.   Soones, A.J.
                     Dickson, W.       Hick, J.         Maddison, W.     Snowdon, J.J.R.
  Bolam, T.          Davis, J.W.       Henderson, J.    Maugham, W.      Shewan, J.F.G.
  Blakey, W.E.       Drysdale, H.      Hunter, T.H.     Marshall, G.     Smith, C.A.
  Brown, C.F.        Darby, C.         Hindmarsh, B.    Masters, A.M.    Soones, H.
  Bell, J.           Dixon, F.         Hick, H.H.       McLean, W.       Simpson, J.E.
  Bell, D.           Dixon, G.N.       Hilton, J.       Muir, A.W.       Sharp, A.A.
  Brunskill, J.      Dixon, G.         Hilton, H.       Mark, A.W.D.     Sharp, A.
  Blench, T.         Dixon, F.         Hilton, J.       Mark, R.T.       Shepherd, H.
  Brewis, A.         Duncan, G.        Hall, B.         Main, T.B.       Singleton, J.W.
  Beynon, J.R.       Dobson, H.        Hammond, A.      Milton, F.       Singleton, W.
  Booty, J.W.        Dobson, H.        Harrison, J.T.   Mail, M.J.       Smith, W.
  Brown, K.          Dickinson, R.L.   Hall, W.G.       Mclean, S.       Smith, R.
  Brumwell, J.       Duncan, J.N.      Henderson, W.T.  Mearis, A.R.     Smith, C.
  Byers, H.          Davidson, J.B.    Homersham, C.    Mitchell, D.     Soulsby, J.
  Blight, S.         Dodds, G.S.       Hammond, F.      Mitchell, D.B.   Stuart, J.B.
  Bell, T.W.         Doherty, E.       Haydock, G.A.    Maughan, F.P.    Snowball, F.W.
  Bell, A.           Dickinson, G.R.   Harbottle, G.W.  Marshall, J.V.   Smith, F.
  Bell, E.H.         Dryden, O.C.      Haigh, S.        Marshall, J.M.   Smith, A.
  Black, G.          Denton, S.        Hill, T.C.A.     Marshall, J.E.H. Sodenbird, H.
  Brown, W.S.        Edgar, E.         Hays, W.         Melville, W.     Shewan, W.H.P.
  Bolam, W.J.        English, G.       Heron, A.H.      Muse, T.D.       Simpson, G.E.
  Baustead, A.       English, B.       Hunter, T.H.     Nimmo, W.W.      Stringer, R.
  Bell, T.           English, W.       Howard, A.       Nicolson, M.     Thompson, H.
  Brooks, A.W.       Ellis, M.S.       Hanson, A.       Nicolson, N.     Trench, R.
  Burns, J.T.N.      Eckford, J.       I'Anson, H.      Oliver, W.       Trench, F.
  Braby, J.          Ellis, J.         I'Anson, E.T.    Oliver, G.       Trench, T.
  Blenkinsop, J.P.   Edgar, E.E.       Ingram, J.A.     Oliver, A.       Trench, T.
  Bullen, T.C.       Elvish, G.        Irwin, W.        O'Neil, J.       Taylor, T.
  Bell, H.B.         Edwards, L.       Johnson, H.      Payne, V.A.      Thompson, J.
  Bell, J.G.         Emmerson, J.A.    Jobson, H.       Pearson, S.      Tustin, W.
  Bell, G.           Emmerson, J.      Jobson, J.       Pickard, P.T.    Thompson, G.W.
  Brown, H.A.        Ellis, A.E.       James, J.        Parker, A.       Tweedy, J.
  Bullen, W.E.       English, A.       Jackson, H.      Purves, A.       Turner, T.
  Bordass, W.H.      Gent, T.          Jackson, W.      Porter, S.       Tickle, J.A.
  Burgess, G.        Gover, M.         James, J.        Pape, J.A.       Todd, W.
  Burgess, C.S.      Gardner, S.C.     Jewers, T.       Patterson, T.    Turner, W.
  Bell, J.R.         Gilligan, J.      Jewers, R.       Potts, J.        Tait, S.B.
  Bews, W.           Gray, J.          Jobson, J.W.     Pace, H.         Thompson, A.
  Clarkson, D.G.     Greenwell, R.     Jepson, S.       Parker, J.J.     Thompson, W.F.
  Cummins, R.R.      Griffith, F.      Jackson, T.      Plater, F.J.     Thurston, H.W.T.
  Courtney, T.       Graham, J.        Johnson, T.W.    Pearse, A.E.     Turnbull, A.W.
  Campbell, J.D.     Giles, A.         Johnston, W.A.   Pearson, S.L.    Tinling, P.
  Clough, T.         Gardner, R.A.     Jones, T.P.      Pearson, W.      Taylor, R.
  Chapman, J.        Guthrie, G.       Johnson, S.K.    Portnell,D.St.J. Taylor, T.H.
  Clapham, V.J.      Gibson, J.B.      Johnson, J.B.    Polwarth, J.     Tindale, C.
  Clapham, H.S.      Gray, D.          Johnson, F.A.    Quin, J.P.       Tate, E.
  Clapham, J.        Gent, C.E.        Johnson, T.A.    Robinson, H.T.   Urwin, H.
  Clapham, H.        Gordon, W.L.      Jobson, A.C.     Robson, C.       Vinycomb, A.
  Cardinal, A.       Gent, W.A.        Kirkley, J.      Robson, W.       Watson, J.
  Charlton, J.A.     Gardner, E.E.     Koenig, W.A.     Robson, J.       Walton, W.
  Challoner, T.D.    Graham, A.        Kirkbride, A.M.  Robinson, J.W.   Weddle, R.
  Charlton, J.H.     Graham, W.        Kent, G.         Robson, J.W.     Wright, G.
  Curry, G.R.        Gray, C.A.        Lodge, T.        Redman, S.G.     Watson, J.J.
  Carr, E.F.         Gofton, J.E.      Laws, W.         Roe, J.T.        Walton, J.
  Carruthers, J.H.   Gibson, W.J.      Lattimer, H.     Rae, W.          Wilkinson, A.G.
  Carruthers, W.     Finlay, W.S.      Lane, N.         Rae, E.          Wilson, T.
  Carruthers, F.     Fleck, S.H.       Lewis, G.        Rae, J.          Winder, R.W.
  Cockburn, J.J.     Fenwick, C.       Lodge, F.        Ross, R.W.       Ward, R.
  Craig, J.W.        Forster, J.       Lodge, I.H.      Row, J.B.        Wilson, T.J.L.
  Campbell, C.       Feeney, C.        Logan, J.        Reah, G.         Wright, T.
  Chesterton, H.L.   Fletcher, E.H.    Little, A.W.     Robson, J.       Wright, R.
  Crone, C.S.        Foreman, T.       Love, H.         Row, H.          White, J.
  Cole, A.           Ferguson, J.E.    Lane, J.         Rankin, J.R.     Wilson, T.
  Carruthers, E.     Feggetter, W.Y.   Lock, W.J.       Robson, R.       Wilkinson, N.
  Cowper, C.         Fearman. H.       Lattimer, R.     Rose, J.         Watson, J.A.
  Cowper, G.         Farthing, W.J.    Lawman, J.       Reay, W.         Winch, F.S.
  Coxon, S.B.        Fenwick, F.       Leech, J.W.      Robertson, J.    Whitburn, H.N.
  Carline, J.A.      Fenwick, C.       Lemmon, J.H.     Richardson, A.   Waugh, G.
  Coutts, C.L.       Fairrie, S.       Lamb, M.D.T.     Robinson, A.     Wardle, F.J.
  Craig, T.S.        Feggetter, J.Y.   Lamb, H.T.       Ross, C.T.       Waugh, G.
  Collier, W.D.      Findlay, W.C.     Lamb, A.C.       Ross, J.T.T.     Watson, F.
  Clark, H.M.        Fenwick, S.       Lamb, T.A.       Rix, A.          Walton, W.W.
  Ceal, L.A.         Ferguson, J.      Livingstone,W.G. Swinburn, G.     Walton, M.T.
  Colgrave-Scott, C. Ferguson, J.R.    Lackenby, A.     Sutton, R.       Watts, G.F.
  Copeland, W.T.R.   Fairlie, J.E.     Lawrence, E.T.   Stephenson, B.   Wilson, G.
  Coombes, G.E.      Hogg, W.M.        Maughan, P.      Stephenson, E.   Wilson, H.A.
                     Hall, W.          Moore, C.        Stephenson, W.   Waugh, H.
                                                        Snowball, G.     Walton, H.M.
                                                        Sinton, D.       Young, J.
                                                        Scott, J.        Young, W.
                                                        Speight, H.T.    Young, M.
                                                        Simpson, J.G.     
                                                        Stuart, W.
   Erected by Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Edwards, Gosforth,
  (Badge       appreciation of those who served           (Badge,
   N.F.)       in the Great War 1914-1919, and as          D.L.I.)
               a token of thanksgiving for the safe
               return of their younger son
               Capt. L. Edwards, 7th N.F.

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