Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Jack Tait


Plaque 1914-18 Masonic Lodge





Map ref

NZ 313815

Original Location

Blyth Masonic Lodge, Union Street. In entrance lobby.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

July, 1918

Memorial Description

Plaque 52 inches high 36 inches wide behind glass in a wood frame. At the top of the frame is a wooden shield bearing the painted badge of the Blagdon Lodge No. 659 and its motto "Constans Fidei" (“Steadfast in faith”). At the bottom left of the frame is the painted badge of Croft Lodge No. 3310 and its motto "Esse Quam Videri" (“To be rather than seem to be”). On the bottom right of the frame is the badge of Waterloo Lodge No. 3438 and its motto "Virtutis Fortuna Comes" (“Good luck is the companion of courage”). Lettering is black on white background. The names are listed in three columns.

Along the bottom of the frame are the words "Pro Patria" in gold paint.

Below is a brass plate with the words incised "Presented by / Bro. Dr. James M. MacLachlan, / July, 1918".

Materials used

Paper behind glass in wood frame.


Erected to / Commemorate / the services of / Brethren who fought with H.M. Forces / in the Great European War.


How money was raised

Presented by Brother Dr. James M. MacLachlan.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Jack Tait

Research acknowledgements

The late Jack Tait, Blyth Local History Society; Maureen Dyer; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1914-18 Masonic Lodge (B42.32)

Blyth, Masonic Lodge   

     Erected to
     the services of
     Brethren who fought with H.M. Forces
     in the Great European War
     J. Anderson     H.S. Gargett      W. Pritchard
     *J.F. Anderson  E. Gilhespy       R.M.C.H. Pryor
     G. Armstrong    P. Godlonton      R.P. Ramshaw
     P. Atkins       J.G. Godfrey      K.J. Reader
     W.R. Axworthy   *E. Graham        T.M. Rennison
     A.E. Bailey     P. Grayston       L.J. Rickerby
     G.D. Bambra     T.R. Guthrie      R. Rigby
     *A.H. Barnes    W.S. Gay          P.B. Roberts
     A. Bateley      J. Hanns          A.W. Robinson
     *W.E.F. Bates   *R. Havery        T.W. Robson
     S. Bickmore     T.C. Heatley, Jr. A. Rutherford
     A.E. Birch      W. Heatley        J.C. Rutherford
     W. Bower        E.S. Hedley       J. Sanderson
     C. Bragg        T. Hedley         L.W. Saunders
     R.G. Bunraston  B. Hill           S.H. Silvester
     J.C. Chapman    R. Hindmarsh      W.L. Sinclair
     F.A.S. Clark    R.H. Hogg         W.A. Skee
     G. Cocks        W. Hopper         G.M. Smith
     T.P. Cook       A.O. Humphreys    *W.D. Soulsby
     T. Craig        J. Johnson        R. Sprott
     T. Crawford     J.G. Johnston     G.W. Steel
     W.G. Davies     E.L. Jones        W.C. Stephenson
     G.D. Dawson     C. Lacy           A. Stewart
     J.W. Dixon      J. Larson         P. Streader
     F.A.R. Dobbin   G.E. Lawrence     H.M. Sutton
     L. Dobson       H. Lee            A. Talbot
     G. Dodds        J.H. Locke        T.A. Taylor
     H. Dodds        T.C. Lockwood     R.S. Tebble
     T.A. Dodds      D. McAlister      J.F. Thomas
     *H. Donkin      J. Manners        H. Towns
     J.E. Dover      C. Mayers         W.H. Usher
     W.B. Driver     R. Milburn        J.F. Weller
     W.J. Driver     W. Miller         J. Wemyss
     F. Evans        J. Moody          R.T. Wilkinson
     J.R. Ferrell    T. Murday         A.E. Wishart
     W.J. Firth      J. Newcomb        G.E. Wood
     J.L. Frost      J.G. Nichol       F. Woods
     G. Fulcher      W.B. Parsons      G.D. Young
     H.B. Garrod     A.J. Perkins      W. Innes
                     Pro Patria

On brass plate below: 

     "Presented by
     Bro. Dr. James M. MacLachlan,
     July, 1918".  

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story