Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: J. Brown


Panels 1914-18 1939-45 Holy Trinity





Map ref

NT 999532

Original Location

Holy Trinity Church, The Parade

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 9th September 1920 by the Bishop H.B. Hodgson of St.Edmondsburyand Ipswich.

Memorial Description

Reredos panelling and communion rails, 6 feet high. The panels are arched and separated by pilasters, making four panels on either side of the altar. Across the top on both sides is the dedication. The names are carried in single columns on each panel, with a red Maltese cross at the top of each panel. Those from 1914-18 are in the first six panels, those from 1939-45 in the two right panels. Lettering is incised and gilded using lower case Roman.

Materials used

Dark oak


a. To the glory of God / and in memory of those / who gave their lives / in the Wars 1914-1918, 1939-45


Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Sir Edwin Lutyens


1. The Church is now Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s.

2. Bishop Hodgson’s son is one of those named on the memorial.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: J. Brown; P. Thirkell

Newcastle Daily Journal 04/09/1920 reports proposed unveiling "shortly"

Diocese of Newcastle Faculty Book 1, No. 647, 12/2/20, NRO 1875.

Northern Echo 03/09/1920 reports unveiling “shortly”; 10/09/1920 reports unveiling

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Sally Bird; the late R.W. Gould; P. Thirkell; Rev. Alan Hughes; M. Newrick; Tony Harding; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

Research on names for 1939-45 is being carried out by Tony Brown. Contact:

Panels 1914-18 1939-45 Holy Trinity (B25.08)

BERWICK UPON TWEED, Holy Trinity Church.     
Along the top:

   To the glory of God and in memory of those who gave their 
   lives in the Wars 1914-1918,1939-45
First panel         Second panel        

   H. Addison          J. Cockburn         
   J.L. Ainslie        M. Cockburn         
   T. Austin           E.G. Cowen          
   J. Bain             G. Crawford         
   C.G. Baldwin        T. Crombie          
   R. Bell             D. Cumming          
   M.R. Bell           D. Dickinson        
   N.L. Bell           J. Dickinson        
   G. Booth            W. Dickinson        
   J. Booth            G. Dumble           
   A. Borthwick        C. Erswell          
   H. Borthwick        W. Ewart            
   J. Borthwick        T. Faragher         
   G. Brodie           C.O. Fedden         
   J. Brotherton       T.H. Fell           
   J. Burns            A. Flannigan        
   R. Burns            L. France           
   H.C. Carr           C. Freeman          
   G.R. Carter         A.G. Galbraith      
   T.H. Clark          J. Gibson           
   A. Cockburn         R. Gladston         
Third panel         Fourth panel           

   A. Gladstone        J. Johnson             
   W. Gold             J. Keir                
   J. Grainger         R. Knox                
   G. Grey             T. Laidlaw             
   H.L. Hall           J. Landels             
   S.G. Harvey         W. Leitch              
   T. Haswell          W. Lindsay             
   H.W. Heckels        A. Lockhart            
   J.M. Heckels        A.B. McCreath          
   A. Henderby         J. McFarlane           
   A.M. Henderson      W. McGregor            
   J. Henderson        A. Macnab              
   J.H. Henderson      R. Manton              
   W. Henderson        W. Marsh               
   W.N. Hodgson        T. Meston              
   G. Hogg             J.G. Middlemiss        
   J. Hogg             T. Morrison            
   A. Hush             W. Nelson              
   J. Hush             H.F.J. Newbould        
   J. Hush             T.E. Nicholson         
   J. Johnson          J.T. Palmer   
Fifth panel     Sixth panel   
   W. Pattison         W. Sinton           
   R. Pearson          J. Skelly           
   H. Pickering        F.W. Smail          
   P. Pomfret          H. Smith            
   H. Poole            T. Smith            
   T. Poole            E.W. Stiles         
   F. Pringle          J. Storey           
   G.M. Pritchard      L. Sutherland       
   I. Purvis           A. Taylor           
   A. Rattray          I.C. Taylor         
   J. Renton           A.W. Thompson       
   E.J.M. Robertson    T. Thompson         
   J.A.T. Robertson    J. Weatherley       
   G. Robson           W. White            
   W. Robson           A. Whitlie          
   W.I. Robson         E. Whitlie          
   W. Russell          P. Whitlie          
   J. Rutherford       R. Witton        
   G.H. Shields        G. Yeoman
   E. Simm             G. Young
   P. Simm             A.H. Brock
                       A.L. Brock
Seventh panel       Eighth panel

   G. Angell           W. Miller
   R.M. Armstrong      J.W. McQuarrie
   W. Blaikie          C.H. Patterson
   G. Bell             J. Richardson
   D. Bell             W.F. Riddell
   J. Burgon           J. Smeaton
   H. Derry            G. Sinton 
   M. Dixon            J. Tait
   J. Faill            A. Townsley
   J.R. Forster        G. Turnbull
   T. Henderson        H. Warner
   E. Huffam           T. Wood
   J.E. Jamieson       W.M. Wood
   T.W. Jamieson       W.A. Woolley
   G.M. Lamb           R. Weatherley
   G. Lough            G. Wright
   J.R. Miller         A. Williamson
                       A.C. Hill

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story