Every Name A Story Content

Storey, T., Pte., 1918

Photo: Brian Chandler

On the Vis-en-Artois Memorial is the name of 46058 Private Thomas Storey, serving with the Durham Light Infantry who died 05/10/1918.

In Bedlington (Netherton Lane) Cemetery is a headstone which reads:

Loving memory
the beloved daughter of
Henry Nicholas &
Elizabeth Ann Storey
of Bedlington Colliery
who departed this life
May ?19th 1914
aged 12 years and 4 months
Also their son
Pte. Thomas Storey
13th Batt. D.L.I.
who fell in action
Oct. 6th 1918
aged 23 years.

Thy will be done.

Thomas Storey is remembered in Bedlington on B15.06 in Bedlington Station on B163.04 and in Durham on D.L.I. Book of Remembrance page 275

The CWGC entry for Private Storey

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk