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Kelly, W.J., Pte., 1917
On the Arras Memorial is the name of 45858 Private Walter John Kelly serving with 13th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers who died 16/06/1917.

Carole Fife has provided the following:

Walter's military record shows that he was born and enlisted in Bedlington, and his legatee was his father Thomas.

Walter was born 10th May 1885 to Thomas Kelly and Mary (nee Donaghue) and was baptised at St Bede's, Bedlington, on 20th May 1885. His parents came from the Ingram valley in the north of Northumberland, and his father was a labourer. The family had evidently moved south in search of work for Walter's older sister Mary was born in Morpeth, but Walter and the younger children were all born in the Bedlington area.

In 1891 the family were living at Puddler's Row at Bedlington Bank Top, but by 1901 they had moved to Freehold Row, Barrington, and Walter was working as a pony driver down the pit. At the time of the 1911 census the Kelly family were still living at Freehold Row but Walter was living elsewhere. As his father was his legatee it would appear that he had not married.

He is remembered in Barrington on B96.02, and in Bedlington on B15.06, B15.11, B15.16 and B15.17

The CWGC entry for Private Kelly

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk