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Baker, H.G., Pte., 1916
On the Thiepval Memorial is the name of PS/10151 Private Harold George Baker serving with B Company, 9th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers who died 05/10/1916.

Carole Fife has provided the following:

Harold, who was born in Bedlington and enlisted in Newcastle was the eldest son of a well known Bedlington family. His father, George Baker, a native of Ashburton, Devon, was for many years the Surveyor at Bedlington 'A' pit in Bedlington Station. His mother, Frances Lilian Henwood, came from Cornwall, and married George in Guisborough, Yorks.. In 1896 Harold was born in Bedlington, followed by Stanley in 1898 and Eric in 1907. In 1901 the family were living in High Street (now Front Street) Bedlington, but shortly after moved to Holmside (now a care home) at Bedlington Station, near the colliery. George was Harold's legatee, which indicates that he wasn't married, and Harold is named on the Bedlington Coal Company's Roll of Honour which would indicate that he had followed his father into working at the pit.

He is remembered in Bedlington on B15.06 and B15.20

The CWGC entry for Private Baker

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk