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Robinson, J.R., Sgt., 1944
In Oxbridge Road Cemetery is the Commonwealth War Grave of 951830 Sergeant John Robert Robinson, serving with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve who died 25/11/1944.

Sgt. Air gunner Robinson was with 12 OTU and a member of the crew of Wellington X LN242 which left on a training flight from Chipping Norton. The port engine cut out and the aircraft crashed into a 16th c farm house starting a fire which killed three people.

Royal Air Force Bomber Command Losses Volume 7: Operational Training Units 1940-1947; W.R. Chorley; 2002; Midland Publishing; ISBN 1 85780 132 6.

He is remembered in Stockton on S138.19 page 21 and possibly on S138.09

The CWGC entry for Sergeant Robinson

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk