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Green, J.W., Lieut., 1918
On Chatham Naval Memorial is the name of Lieutenant James William Green, serving with the Royal Naval Reserve who died 28/05/1918.

Rev. David Youngson has submitted the following:

Lieutenant James William GREEN
Royal Naval Reserve
H.M. Trawler Dirk

He died on the 28th May 1918 and is remembered on the Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent, 30.

HM Trawler Dirk ship number 128299, was escorting a convoy in the North Sea off Flamborough Head when she was Torpedoed and sunk by the German U Boat UC 75 commanded by Oberleutnant zur See Walter Schmitz.

Though classifed by the RN as a trawler, Dirk was actually a small cargo and passenger steamer. Peace-time operator: David MacBrayne Ltd., Glasgow.

James William Green is remembered in Stockton on S138.75, on the Masonic Roll of Honour and on our List of Ships’ crews

H.M. Trawler Dirk
The CWGC entry for Lieutenant Green

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk