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Bishop, C.H., 2nd Lieut., M.C., 1918
In Premont British Cemetery is the Commonwealth War Grave of Second Lieutenant Charles Harold Bishop, M.C., serving with the Durham Light Infantry, who died 23/10/1918.

The Unveiling programme of the Cricket Club plaque states:

2nd Lieut. H. Bishop, M.C.

Joined the 12th Yorks, in February 1915, and went to France with the rank of Corporal in 1916. After serving there for nine months, he came home to take his Commission, and then proceeded to Italy where he won the Military Cross. Recalled from Italy, he went to France in September 1918, and was killed on the 23rd October of the same year.

Charles Harold Bishop is remembered in Stockton on S138.15, S138.18a page 5, S138.29 and S138.33 and in the D.L.I. Book of Remembrance page 293

The CWGC entry for 2nd Lieutenant Bishop

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk