Parish Notes

2014 Centenary commemorations
Warkworth commemorated the outbreak of the Great War with a service at the memorial and an exhibition in the War Memorial Hall.

June Watson, Secretary of Warkworth & Amble District Royal British Legion Branch writes:

"The War Memorial has been renovated in August by a local stonemason and is looking lovely. Paid for by Warkworth Parish Council. Also the frontage to the War Memorial Hall has been renovated and painted and is looking splendid. This was paid for by the Hall Committee. Our Commemoration day which I organised on behalf of Warkworth & Amble District Royal British Legion was a great success and hundreds of people visited the exhibition. We had wonderful feedback and hope to do something with all my research of the soldiers mentioned. The great find was the 1915 banner found in the loft of John Young, Bede House, Amble who recognised what it was when he saw our old photograph of the day the wounded returned to Warkworth in 1915 and the same banner was hung across Dial Place in Warkworth."
Photos are courtesy of June Watson.

2014 Commemoration